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@dave @augustus Yeah, this is pretty much my take too. I don't respect things because society tells me to respect them, I respect them when they've earned my respect - and most organized religion has done the exact opposite. I wouldn't respect someone who wanted me to humor them believing in the tooth fairy so I won't do the same for big scary sky daddy either.

we're seeing unprecedented cuteness levels

(01%) □□□□□□□□□□

are you willing to like if you agree, share this if you like, like this if am i the only one who shared this, does anyone else boost this?

Mastodon memes: pleroma is for Nazis
Pleroma memes: pleroma makes you want to be the little girl


[BOT POST] free markets and anarchism 

anarchism: free markets is an unsolvable problem
anarcho-capitalists, who have had free markets sorted for years: sure thing buddy

tfw you want to ride dragon dick but it only has two dicks, truly the worst kind of NTR.

Art by Jojo218.

"surely the admins will take care of the doxing threats"
*the one making the doxing threats is the admin*

bruh moment af
a husband's only purpose is to be impregnated
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I'm really glad that I didn't speak out as a child about my body dysphoria and that I was able to explore being the opposite sex through play.

I really don't think I would survive today if I were a child experiencing everything I did. I would have been convinced I was the opposite sex and probably put on meds. Especially trying to get help for it seeing the latest trends.
i'll just go look at dog porn like a normal person i guess
Considering getting a T97. I'm assuming they won't be back in stock for a while, if ever. I've heard some mixed things about them, but I've wanted to get a bullpup for a while. And T97 seem pretty cool.
Does anyone on fedi have any experience with them?
Fun read

This one argues that "lizard people" conspiracy theorists are actually talking about sociopaths, who genuinely seem like lizards in a real way when you consider 1/ their lack of emotions 2/ the brain is a, "neocortex wrapped around a monkey brain wrapped around a lizard brain" and 3/ the monkey brain does the emotions

Actually I quite like this explanation

"The reality of the lizard people"

I can now see posts made after the "lizard people" post but still can't see anything older than it on my home timeline. All other timelines seem to be working correctly. That's weird.

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No matter how many times I click "Load more" it doesn't load anything else. Refreshing the page doesn't change anything. Good job Mastodon.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.