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Spoiler: Mandalorian season 2 

Damn... I am not usually a huge fan of fanservice, but the moment I saw this speeder, my heart completelly melted.

What a great idea... And it even kind of makes an in-universe sence.

Why am I like this???

Why do I always expect myself to do 10 times of what others do expect of me, but while following this goal, I fail at the simplest things they really wanted?

I hate to call things early, but so far, Trump has 100 percent of this map...

Man, I had no idea panic attacks can be such a bitches.

Man, I might have fucked up a good friendship because of a random (strongest panic attack I have ever experienced)

And I feel ashamed for every single second of it.

I feel seriously ashamed for buying an EA game, but let's be honest...

It seems almost strange for EA do actually make a playable game, so that is an acomplishment by itself worth celebrating...

Wow... What a chad...

Ted Cruz grills Jack Dorsey for 8 minutes. I was honestly laughing while watching this shit...

This is the PERFECT argumentation I wish I was able to make.

🇨🇿 WTF???🇨🇿
Some people are too retarded to breathe properly... Just WTF???

Drop that hat, or I'll make you shoot yourself :kannagun:

You're still 32 days too early!!!

I seriously do love the look of The old republic sith robes, that do include metallic parts, that do fit seemlessly with the rest.

Is this kind of look actually even possible IRL?

This is why I hate normies...

I can spend 9 years in a 95 percent christian collective, listening to every single one of them, and I get NOTHING!!! Not a single good argument. NOT ONE, WHEN I WAS LOOKING FOR THEM!!!

I can be listening to an intellectual like JODRAN MATHERFUCKING PETERSON for HOURS, and all I hear are the same BS APOLOGETICS I hear from every other sheep.

And a random rapper can sum up an amazing psychological benefit of christianity just like that... Like, he was describing a burger he just ate.

Do you believe that learning programming changes the way people think forever?

When I was thinking about this, I have realized, that whan I was learning programming I saw many people freeze up completely. To truly know they have no idea how to work with this kind of language and be terrified. And I realized that I saw this kind of freeze only once before. When a kid was learning math for a first time.

What a strange view...

Damn, this is the stuff.

I buy myself a gaming laptop to enjo....
And there goes a windows update...

Today I looked at a mirror, and I realized I have a figure fit for a fantasy armor...

The armor:

I feel like a monster...
Yes, I will order it.
Yes, I will eat it myself.
No, I cannot tell you why.

I just saw "The Platform" 

I know it is hard to put your thoughts into a coherent movie, but this shit is exactly the artsy pseudo-thinking that shows just how simplified people's thinking can be, when it comes to any, even slightly complex topic.

The premise is simple. There is "enough food for everyone" but people on top eat much more then they need and people underneeth are starwing for 30 days, after which their position is randomized, so the cycle can continue.

While this movie did manage to show some of the raw emotion you would expect from the premise, it did not manage to show any empathy, good faith or any kind of humanity... I get it, that's the point. But from there, it went just down.

Instead of showing any alternatives or a proper way of living in such a world, it showed what I can only call an anthithesis of morality. Instead of figuring out a proper way of redistributing the food, the movie showed two people going from the top down and killing hundreds in order to "heroically" send a message.... ok.

And then the movie changed it's mind. I could spend weeks debating how horrible the last minute twist was, but instead I will explain it completely. This movie had such a philosophical mess of a message, that at the end, the director just said "Fuck it, we'll just make an artsy ending instead".

I do not recommend, unless you have a bottle of alcohol by your hand and are ready for an entertaining dumbsterfire.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.