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So, apparently, Gab had to add 512 GB of RAM just to get their shit working again. Must suck to be running on Mastodon broken infinity times.

I hate you... Because of you, I will soon have to post the most complex shitpost I ever had to create...

My first attempt for fixing headphones with ducktape held up for 3 days...


Wow. Biden laughs at Trump for:
Not having a solution for huricanes.

Just wow. What next? Is he gonna blame Trump for not inviting warp travel?

We can get to net zero when conserning energy production...

Interesting... no energy produced? Not that is a green plan :ablobcool:

@LukeAlmighty Biden bringing up his dead son for some real dirty and exploitative emotional blackmail, while lying about Trump.

@Mitsu nobody would pause chicken run for that, i don’t believe it, stupid troll image 0/10

@LukeAlmighty There is no way to shift the Overton Window away from extreme anti-Whiteness if not a single major party will even acknowledge anti-White discrimination and make it clear that It's Okay To Be White.
He can't bring himself to say anti-White, he can't bring himself to say "teaching them to hate White people".....
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Point out the systemic "racism" against White people you Orange fuck!
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.