
Holy shit this legitimately explains why you cannot take morality out of religion. Because it literally, created almost every ideological monster in the last century.

This also explains why people seem more evil today than they did almost a few century's ago...

@Mr_NutterButter @beardalaxy
Thanks for tagging, but before I watch it, do you REALLY think, it will be something new to me? Do you think, that variation number 964 of "you cannot be a moral person without God" will be the one to change my mind?

And should I just change it to "fuck it, I guess I am incapable of being moral", since this argument does not change anything about God's existence?

@LukeAlmighty The video has nothing to do with that. It's more of an explanation of how religion corrupted people more than anything.

@LukeAlmighty The video also explains why most people especially people who live in a western country have that default retarded liberal worldview.

Oh, yes... The good old "slave morality."
Ok, quite a good video, but nothing new for me :D

And obviously, I misunderstood your original post.

@diresock This idea has definitely made me question a lot of conventional things around morality, especially morality that is secular.

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