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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

And now....For a nap I think I deserved it.

Time sure flies when you aren’t paying attention doesn’t it?
But that’s only because the earth spins..But what if the earth stopped spinning 👀

At night I like to stare at the starry night and think about the people I know and love.

I’ve been thinking about these things for a long time now and I still haven’t gotten an answer...Why do people say/do terrible things to one another? Why do people lie so much and Why are they always British?

If any of you guys live in China be safe I heard there’s like some terrible disease spreading about.

You ever wonder what happens to the people who ask you for directions? :3

隣の竹垣に 竹立て掛けたのは 竹立て掛けたかったから、竹立て掛けた。

Try saying that three times fast.

This isn’t lewd i promise. 

You ever find a girlscout at the front door and you point your ruger into their face and whisper in their ear “No solicitors” :meru_thinking:

The little voices in my head are telling me to “take it easy, life isn’t as bad you think.”

You ever go through a little something called post nut clarity?

Shit I spilled some of my hentai:
Aki sora
Seikatsu shuukan
Rape Gouhouka
Boy meet’s harem
Sukebe elf no Mori e
Body transfer
Oni chi chi
Space pirate Sala
Tentacles and witches :meru_yup_das_a_dick:

I love ramen so much I had to make a recording ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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