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A new music-focused game for Nintendo! The is already off to a good start!

@ADangerousSuitcase Persona 3 Dancing in Moonlight primarily, and then Smash in the morning!

I'm always secretly hoping that something goes terribly wrong at The , and I think it's because that would be so much more interesting than all the dry cinematic trailers. It's time for the Dreamcast 2, baby! And the XBOX 720!!!

Has it really been twelve years since 3?

I'm glad it's still getting love. I always had a crush on as a kid.

@solidsanek 'Buggy Mess with rocking soundtrack' will always beat 'Buggy Mess feat. Todd Howard's sensual whispers'.

Years ago, I made my start on tumblr by posting about 3rd Style.

Four years later and I'm starting from scratch and posting about 3 Dancing in Moonlight.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. I'll always be excited for music games!

tonight, tomorrow, Europe the day after. It's going to be a busy time!

Here's hoping other people tag their posts so I can find other people into the same things!

Hello! I'm Tiffany, and I'm making my as I try to get settled into an appropriate Mastodon instance!

I blog about delving into video games and sharing cool things, with occasional other hobbies on the side. Comics, anime, life, anything else that takes my interest.

Content here may be NSFW, but I'll keep anything too bad to a separate instance. Say hi to me, I'm here for the social side of things!

Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.