Smash was supposed to be sent out for delivery at 6:30am, and arrive at 3:25pm at the latest, and it's still not here.

It's frustrating sitting around waiting for something for so long!

Seems like this instance is no longer listed on joinmastodon and it doesn't load toots automatically on the federated timeline any more.

I'm starting to see the flaws with Mastodon!

I think my favourite recent trend in is how devs are realising that vocal songs in English are absolutely amazing.

It used to feel as if barely any games had vocal tracks, and when they did, they were styled like cookie cutter anime openings.

Rewatching the while waiting for Smash to arrive in the post, I just realised that Geoff Keighley said near the start "...including some announcements that nobody will see coming."

It's only in retrospect that I understand that he was teasing the Persona 5/Smash crossover!

Here begins the agonising wait for Royal Mail to actually deliver Smash.

Geoff Keighley: "The game of the year is God of War :)"

The world, tomorrow: "How the heck is it not Smash?"

HECK YES. More Persona goodness!

Just when I thought I was in for a treat with Persona 3+5 Dancing!

Epic Games should be on stage getting an award for , not .

Now -there's- a creative mode.

I need to catch up on MKX. MK9 was amazing, but for some reason I never got around to the sequel.

At the time, I think I was just scared off by the online connectivity, super-dark look, and 'pay real money for easy fatalities' nonsense, but I should at least try it.

Tetris Effect not winning best PSVR game is baffling.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 at the .

Didn't they refuse to let people buy the first two games after license deals expired? It feels silly having a third game when newcomers have no way to buy the first two online, unless that's changed.

Last week: "I already have too many games, I need to stop buying things!"

Steam sale pops up for the . "Oh hey I could use the newest Blazblue game and Dragonball FighterZ..."

A new music-focused game for Nintendo! The is already off to a good start!

I'm always secretly hoping that something goes terribly wrong at The , and I think it's because that would be so much more interesting than all the dry cinematic trailers.

Has it really been twelve years since 3?

I'm glad it's still getting love. I always had a crush on as a kid.

Years ago, I made my start on tumblr by posting about 3rd Style.

Four years later and I'm starting from scratch and posting about 3 Dancing in Moonlight.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. I'll always be excited for music games!

tonight, tomorrow, Europe the day after. It's going to be a busy time!

Here's hoping other people tag their posts so I can find other people into the same things!

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.