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Admin-kun boosted

I deployed @glowposter even though it's not finished. Unblocks aren't implemented yet and code is spaghetti.
Now every user of can know who blocked them.
It's currently going through the backlog, so most of the blocks will be old.

Admin-kun boosted

It has worked. We now have full text search with Postgres!

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I'm going to bring this instance down and attempt to enable FTS with Postgres. I have no clue how long this will take.

Max image size is now 20MB and max video size is now 80MB.

We're now running v2.9.2
You can now upload audio

There is a difference between condoning content and allowing content.

Admin-kun boosted

Masto for some reason wasn't accepting incoming posts. It might have been that iptables shat itself.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.