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L + corpo shill + dumbpilled
RT @SapphidelicTori
@ZMKGaming @martin_lefou @fanth_jt @The_angry_dango @Maulsakk @AdequateEmily You’re just parroting imperialist propaganda
@josh get retroshare
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RT @Robocraft2Game
What if Robocraft and Titanfall were in the same universe?
Awesome fan art from one of our discord members, Ipherial Embo.
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I also just want to mention that posting stuff like this with LGBT flags on it really paints a bad image for the minority groups you are trying to represent.
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I'm swedish-American. My ancestors robbed villages and raped women. That was centuries ago. So should I be punished for something someone else did forever ago on the basis of simply being related (that which I cannot control)? Or do you realize how dumb that is?
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somebody being white does not justify you dehumanizing them. that's racism. "they're not oppressed enough! Let's oppress them more!" is a batshit twisted line of thinking littered with logical fallacies.
RT @tommicavagna
@JehlickaNora @GcMisogyny i agree with joking about a not oppressed nation, yeah
if we were some sort of oppressed minority, it'd agree with u but we are nothing like that :D
and i think i can joke about italian e…
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of course, SJWs wouldn't know anything about real diversity and not stereotyping others because they constantly shut out people who disagree with them. Of course this was coming.
CEO Canithesis Interactive, sysadmin Worlio LLC
wipEout and THE FINALS fan
UNIX enthusiast, Java / C# / C++ Dev
Missouri, United States
I made the Firestar Mod Manager for Playstation Vita. Currently working on a danmaku shooter.
I die by the first amendment no matter how much you piss me off.
Followers of all kinds welcome - no matter your place on the political spectrum, your language or your experience - just be respectful.