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RT @MikeyHX_3950
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dawwwwg i barrel rolled right on top of him #WIPEOUTOMEGACOLLECTION #PS4share
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RT @theAdmer456
Aaand it's done!
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RT @source2pics
I was a little scared to post this at first
But then I remembered my audience is Valve fans who are either closeted furries, full blown furries, or in denial
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what the
RT @khyleri
"Ah, eto... blehh"
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RT @AllenscottGB
If I see another commercial asking me to stop vaping I’m gonna lose my shit. I don’t vape or smoke, but I fucking swear I’m about to start doing it just to spite these fucking commercials. “That’s metal. In your lungs” SHUT THE FUCK UP. I DO NOT CARE. IM TRYING TO WATCH YOUTUBE.
CEO Canithesis Interactive, sysadmin Worlio LLC
wipEout and THE FINALS fan
UNIX enthusiast, Java / C# / C++ Dev
Missouri, United States
I made the Firestar Mod Manager for Playstation Vita. Currently working on a danmaku shooter.
I die by the first amendment no matter how much you piss me off.
Followers of all kinds welcome - no matter your place on the political spectrum, your language or your experience - just be respectful.