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RT @exileoftza
@AndriiLuchkov @athoms274 Dude, Google Sam Hyde and ‘Bernie Gores’.

It's really really old.

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RT @dionnydomings
@not_that_alan @AndriiLuchkov @JuliaDavisNews dude went all high and mighty on his deep dive and didn't even come across who sam hyde is, despite him trending on global twitter like twice every damn month this year 😂😂😂

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RT @L1ghtsword
I think I'm in love 😍

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RT @yeetyboii
Rise and grind gamers

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RT @wirlaburla
Can't believe we live in a world where some people are okay with injecting drugs into children who are perfectly fine.

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RT @hourlywolvesbot
HourlyWolves presents:

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RT @hourlywolvesbot
HourlyWolves presents:

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RT @MinnWildlife
Trophy hunter Amber Rose Barnes from Montana is doubling down on killing the husky, saying she'd do it again. She initially claimed she thought it was a wolf pup. Doesn't matter what she thought, it's time to

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RT @nywolforg
Can we understand happiness without knowing about sadness? 🐺

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RT @hourlywolvesbot
HourlyWolves presents:

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RT @nywolforg
Killing wolves via snares, bait + bounties? It's happening right now, + the unethical hunts are emboldening radical hunters. A woman is bragging about trapping, killing + skinning a dog. She says she thought the dog was a wolf pup like me. Is that really an excuse?

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RT @MutantDogz
New chalk drawing i did yesterday of a fox! It was at first for a college project until i found out this wasn't part of my assignment XD i love it anyways though so here it is :)

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and do NOT try to look ANYTHING up on furaffinity, SFW mode or not. Their rating system enforcement is fucking atrocious

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.