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>Nintendo music app

Uhhh, no? How about I watch it on youtube as usual on the "Michael VGM music channel" or whatever?

If you clamp down harder I'll just go and pirate the music, fuck you

Learning how to manage RenderToTextures and multiple framebuffers with Allegro.

The docs advise not to use these techniques much because they are way slower than drawing to the window due to the amount of data being copied, but the docs also told me to tie everything in-game to the framerate like it's 1985 so I don't really care what it says. If it runs on a Pentium 4, good enough for me.

Since my game involves heavy amounts of wormhole travel, I've been brainstorming some Earthbound-like background effects to use that don't require pixel shaders. One idea I had was to render a tunnel with OpenGL to a buffer and then procedurally draw horizontal strips of the buffer to the background with al_draw_tinted_scaled_bitmap(), each strip at varying widths and X positions to give the illusion of perspective warping through a wormhole.

I'll prototype the effect in C++ and post a video when I've got what I want



I ended up getting verbally abused last night because you didn't show up to voice chat

If you guys know any good s3m/mod/impulsetracker musicians reply here! I'm looking to hire somebody soon when I've implemented my sound system.


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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.