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I'm running a Counter-strike Source server for anyone who is interested. It's usually running Defuse, but I will install alternative gamemodes and custom maps by request.

Not up 24/7 at the moment due to budget constraints. Ask me if you want to play on it. No whitelist needed. Mods are allowed (sv_pure -1, go fucking nuts with skins I don't care).


Hello @linkeddev,

I am trying to find a decent Mastodon instance for my partner (and myself), I stumbled across yours but I don't see a list of blacklisted servers. Are there any servers blacklisted (and which ones) or is the blacklist empty?


As a proud PoC run instance, mugichads are now able to harass mastodon users with new blue hiragana emoji. Feel free to use them as you like, but I like using them the way they guy who wrote them does like so:


(Taylor Lorenz-chan show me your penis)
good morning! a requirement of running a mastodon instance is being incredibly uncreative with naming or theming your instance but not us -- poast but mastodon!

I will very likely be letting a small number of people onto this instance later today so leave your interest in this thread and if approved I'll send you an invite
Keffals personally got this song by CrackedRack for Lolcow LP taken down.

They can't help that our side is funnier and more creative so they just gotta deplatform.
The Kiwi Farms is being rigorously defended by three different European companies, both in and outside of the EU.

Meanwhile, I reached out to a couple of American startups pretending to be anti-censorship and for high-risk deplatforming targets and received zero response.

The US doesn't have an issue with its laws or constitution, we have an issue with being full of bitch asses.
oh and we're also being helped by a fucking leaf, a chinaman, and an australian

there is almost zero representation of america in my 'team' except for my fat ass which hasn't lived in the US since 2016.
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I can vote by mail but I choose not to.

In the USSR, they ran elections even when there was only one candidate. This was because if nobody showed up to vote, they could gauge that that population was not happy with the election.

We are essentially in a one party system with one candidate each. So, I choose not to vote. When turnout is 5%, nobody will say that we live in a democracy. The push to get every Tom, Diego, and Lahiah voting is less about making sure the right people vote and more to keep this façade running for as long as possible.
The guy that made Mastodon is @Gargron and is basically attempting to legally extort the owner of into abandoning/transferring his domain because he moved from Mastodon to Pleroma.

Hey mate, maybe don't be a stupid fuckhead. The cost of an attorney would probably be worth the money to buy the domain. Going to trial over a TM/Copyright dispute costs $75,000. Offer $25,000 and agree to a year of redirects so he can transition to a new domain and everyone is happy.

Soyboy devs are the most annoying fucking people. They can't think at all. It's this constant whining and litigious behavior. These people need to be rigorously beaten with sticks for the damage they cause society.
I'd buy another just for this but they raised the price again to $160 and want a phone number and address. They're also such cucks they made the line for "YOU AGREE TO OUR TERMS AND SERVICE ;~;" at the top in huge lettering to make it explicitly known they're a bunch of British faggots who should be beaten with sticks for being censorious pricks.
I think Twitter actively harms discourse by training people Pavlovian-like to screech like mentally retarded porpoises over imagined slights and irrelevant shit. It affects everyone but affects people with prior psychological conditions especially.

It actually upsets me to see shit like that happen. We could have reasonable discussions about ISP-level censorship that could benefit everyone, even people we dislike, and it would benefit the world in substantive ways but we can't even do that without these people interjecting their mental illness.
The EFF published an article about ISP-level deplatforming and recently tweeted about it. The replies are a cesspit of anti-freedom gender-people crying about the Kiwi Farms.

Even though the article explicitly mentions that they don't care if the Kiwi Farms goes down and they love trans people and all the LGBTQIAP+ people, there are trannies in the replies actively calling to dox the two female "collaborators".
Apparently the thing is that JavaScript does some undefined behavior with the operators between non-integer types such as arrays and stuff. So, rather than saying "you can't add or substract to an array" like in any fucking normal programming language, it allows it but it does whatever it feels like. It sometimes becomes an integer, sometimes a string, and sometimes it says "fuck it, this is undefined and this is not a valid expression".
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"Konami as a company has decided to sell off the rights to Silent Hill to Randy Pitchford."
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.