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Swedish artist Björn Bernström
“Melting Season”

Fixed some rendering bugs, worked around an Allegro bug with video playback. We're cooking soon. Gonna take a break to finish Firestar 1.3 before I continue on the game and then I'm ready to start programming the 2D scene graph.

The Twitch Adpocalypse is here, with streamers reporting their income has suddenly declined by as much as 95% as the house of cards burns down, falls over, and sinks into the swamp.

I don't have a link to a good story covering this yet, because the written articles are useless and the video coverage is obnoxious. Twitch was offering absurdly favourable pay scales to its preferred coterie of lunatics and ethots, and the advertisers got fed up with the crap their ads were shown against and left.

Jeff Bezos has a bad habit of buying companies and leaving them to be destroyed by lunatics.
Just saw somebody wearing a shirt that said


Progress report: Menu UI framework is mostly done. No logic to handle anything other than just buttons right now, but it's good enough I can move on soon and get to work on game logic.

'Psychological horror', at least the modern equivalent therein, is made by the most talentless, nigger brained, shock jockey faggots.

"Oh wow, come take a look at my Unreal Engine 4 acid trip! Isn't that spooky? Check out these fractals, there's a representation of the human psyche or something. Visit my empty space with shit floating around in it! OoooOOOoooOOOooo! Hear that melodramatic narration of some shit that didn't happen that comes off as a thinly veiled trauma dump? EARRAPE JUMP SCARE!"

Fuck off and die.
Every OS should have a skull and crossbones it shows you before killing a process
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.