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@bulaklak dude ive been trying to figure out how to self host some services and the rabbit hole is neverending like i had to read up on docker containers and virtualization and setting my router is a pain cuz my isp hides settings behind a superadmin password and AAÀAAAAAAAAAAAA

@reag if u feel drained excited for the next day, u end the day on a gamer note

im learning all avout networoking and server stuff and whew brain big bungus hurt

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@reag the best sleep comes after a day of activity

but melatonin works too if u take enough (please dont abuse sleeping pills though)

"All fungi are edible. Some fungi are only edible once." — Terry Pratchett.

when you have doubts about what you did for the day, take note of what ur anxiety says and do that for the next day

the anxiety is our built in questbook, it would not be wise to deviate

@boob everyone talking about some rbg like bruh i dont get it my funny color lights are still working just fine

@normandy homer got portrayed as an idiot even in olden times like plato wanted to overthrow homer as best author and heavily censor works like the illiad

rage is but an emotional reflex

temporary insanity that can ruin lives

calm the rage gamers, let the thinking brain take over

moddable games are always going to be better than unmoddable games because you get to choose how you want the experience to be

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.