@shebang brian hhurt
@bulaklak first world country moment
@bulaklak why
@NeikoCat tfw no phd marine biologist big big muscle detective time stop ora ora daddy bf
@NeikoCat tfw no 16yr old big muscle unga bunga tire shoulder emotionless ora ora me daddy bf
@evelyn mmm spicy eye
@hj remove the plaster then drop it so it lands on the ground at like terminal velocity like rock lee ankle weights
then u move like sonic afterwards
@isi this is a v gamer statement
@corceeeee play video game or read book?
@enigmatico lunges?
@tuxcrafting this is very important
@enigmatico situps work the abs tho
what was the motion u did?
@akai this is such a User Generated Content Moment
@sylveon damn what a gamer
i salute u and your gaming