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i dont give a shit about ur gender if ur gamer then u are gamer gender doesnt matter we gamin u r gamer

dont let anyone ever tell u ur not gamer

You only get one rat, do not miss your chance to blow
This rodent comes once in a lifetime


I'm beginning to feel like a Rat God, Rat God

bro imma bouta go nuts bro call me bicycle cuz imma bouta go cyclepath bro

need me a mod that turns alatreon into the ender dragon from m inecraft

pokemon romhacks are the future of pokemon tbh

actually, modding and moddable games are the future of gaming in general

like, why depend on some company to make (x) in a game when u can mod it in yourself?

peeping around the fediverse, seems like ppl here are tech nerds

im not much of a tech nerd, im interested in cybersecurity but not stuff like coding, more like breaking into places non-destructively

Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.