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I will exercise my artistic freedom, and no one can stop me >:J

Also, I bet y'all haven't seen this trend in a while...personally toddler stuff isn't my jam, but I did it because I was feeling evil and chased the brilliant idea in my head #SecretPhotoChallange

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I started using my baraag account! ❤️❤️
I'll post more art on this platform, and many other platforms as well!

Please come check it out and follow me as you like🥰

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Lisa having a good time! 

Hello everyone, and I have returned with something special. I have decided to be a part of the Lisamania event from @8horns

Of course I choose the Death note Parody for my drawing heh. I once was a big fan of the show back in the days. I think many where and then dropped out the moment the show went on for way too long. But I still have fond memories of the show.

#TheSimpsons #Simpsons #LisaSimpson #Incest #loli #Lisamania

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.