Leaving the system is not easy.
If you set up a commune, you will be called a racist child-abusing nutjob.
You will be forced to have mandatory warrantless inspections and buy solar panels. You will not be allowed to have animals or outhouses.
If you live on a sailboat, you cannot have vitamins or fruit or vegetables.
If you stay in society, you can have electricity, water, cars, the Internet, and plentiful cheap or free processed food, but you must be enslaved and lose your privacy forever by being wiretapped, getting a name, SSN, giving a DNA sample, and fingerprints if you want to bank, drive, fly, travel, work, study, get healthcare, or marry.
They've illegalized collecting rai water in some places. Can't have you getting free water. @dcjogger
Americans want to live in a happy paradise with high wages, no guns, no blacks, no Muslims, no Jews, no illegal immigrants, no beggars, no smokers, no straws, and no flag-burning, but how did tyranny work out for the USSR?
Do you really want to live in a world where everyone is a mindless sheep, everyone has the same thinking, and everyone wears the same clothes?
Leaving the system is not easy.
If you set up a commune, you will be called a racist child-abusing nutjob.
You will be forced to have mandatory warrantless inspections and buy solar panels. You will not be allowed to have animals or outhouses.
If you live on a sailboat, you cannot have vitamins or fruit or vegetables.
If you stay in society, you can have electricity, water, cars, the Internet, and plentiful cheap or free processed food, but you must be enslaved and lose your privacy forever by being wiretapped, getting a name, SSN, giving a DNA sample, and fingerprints if you want to bank, drive, fly, travel, work, study, get healthcare, or marry.