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@Jikiri @Guner @dcjogger Another leader could appear from who knows where...â¦â¦â¦â¦â¦â¦.

@dcjogger Wow, discouraged much? Regardless-be assured that all such talk might as well be produced by the FBI. Civil War would be a disaster for our Republic, virtual guarantee for take over by UN or some other international org.
When I got discouraged like that, I held a private funeral for my country. Grieved for a while and moved on. That handled the emotions.

Dark times are coming.

Americans seem to be dealing with the US collapse by having cognitive dissonance. Watching Americans use mental gymnastics to explain their hypocrisy and narratives is difficult to watch.

The very same Americans who scream Obama was an evil monster for embracing wars, debt, and tyranny then turn around and insist Trump is a holy god for supporting wars, debt, and the police state.

Nazis who insist they love freedom then swear unconstitutional NSA wiretapping is just fine.

Americans say that they love free speech, but then become batshit insane when anyone suggests flag burning and protests should legal.

Americans who scream that they love the free market say the US needs a trade war.

Fascists who insist that they love gun rights say they would immediately surrender their firearms when Trump bans guns because Muslims are dangerous.

Nazis love when the Gestapo arrests niggers for wearing baggy pants, but Fascists are shocked when the Gestapo arrests racists for using hate speech.

Americans also seem to be dealing with the collapse by changing history to meet their point of view.

Americans either say the USA was always a police state or is the most free country in the world. No one says the US used to have freedom, but lost it.

Americans insist that the US always had seatbelt checkpoints and food stamps.

Racists scream that the US never had negroes before today.

Nazis and Commies scream no one died during WWII.

Nazis say that the Jews started the Revolutionary War to divide up white people, but even if the UK and the US were united now the USA and the UK would still be Socialist shitholes with fags and illegal immigrants.

As the US declines, Americans will need to chose what roles they will play.

Will you be one of the enemy globalists who is destroying the USA?

Will you be a traitor who is trying to become one of the elites by giving campaign donations to politicians so you can get a bailout, subsidy, or grant to start a business?

Will you be a traitor who becomes a puppet for the elites as a politician, reporter, actor, government worker, soldier, or joins the Gestapo?

Will you be a coward who keeps your head down, works, and pays taxes that fund wars, debt, and tyranny?

Will you dropout and become dependent on government welfare?

Will you be a hero and risk being arrested or killed to become a dissident educating others on freedom and how to resist or fight the elites by firing on checkpoints and flying planes into government buildings?

Will you dropout and buy a sailboat or travel the world as a nameless and stateless nomad?

Will you dropout and start a commune or join a monastery?

Those who are able, do what they can.

Those who can't, do what they must.

The US and China are both police states, but there are differences.

The US used to be a moral, free, and peaceful country with decreasing debt. Now the USA is an immoral bankrupt warmongering police state.

China is not famous for being a free country.

Americans used to believe in personal responsibility, but today Americans have no pride and embrace welfare. Some Americans are resisting tyranny by dropping out and going Galt and draining welfare while refusing to work and pay taxes.

Welfare in China is not very generous or developed, but many Chinese evade taxes. Accepting welfare is considered to be shameful by some Chinese.

The Chinese are more optimistic because China had no freedom before, but became a little more free.

The US is pessimistic now because Americans had freedom before, but are now embracing tyranny.

The US used to believe in free trade and immigration, but now Americans want to be like North Korea and have closed borders.

The USA used to believe in freedom and the free market, but now Americans have become like retarded children who want their beloved government overlords to decree that rents be cheap and the minimum wage be high and tell Americans what to think, what to do, what to wear, what to eat, and where to live.

Americans used to fight Commies and Nazis, but have now become Commies and Nazis.

Absolutely disgusting.

@Jikiri @Guner @dcjogger I don't know who does. I know I'm just waiting. I hope We'll know.

@MoodyBrew @Guner @dcjogger Well the President could also call the militias up but yea me too

Is the lone wolf who attacks government buildings and checkpoints more brave than 10,000 American patriots who bitch about tyranny online?

If the USA arms terrorists in Syria then why doesn't the US arm protesters in France and Hong Kong?

@Guner @MoodyBrew @dcjogger Shit I'd love to make war on the corrupt & the criminal in our govt but I dont have the authority to make that call IMHO only the vets do

That will happen soon enough as the country is just becoming an enormous prison! It's already a softcore police state!

Full of braindead NFL addicted drones! We deserve it, fools!


@MoodyBrew @dcjogger. they are gained with blood ! Only 3% won our freedoms the first time. !

Our overlords don't even have a good reason for the nanny police state anymore. Toothpicks must be outlawed to protect the environment. Rope must be banned for safety. Baseball hats must be outlawed because they are ugly. Insurance must be mandatory to protect the insurance industry. Flagpoles must be banned to protect property values.

Why not just put Americans in prison when they're born?

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