âRun and you will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here as young men and tell our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take our freedomâ!!! May 26, 1995, Braveheart
"the issue"
Americans say a civil war would mean a country like China or Russia would exploit the division of the US and try to invade, but no foreign nation attacked the USA during the first Civil War. Japan did invade China during the Chinese civil war, but the Communists and Nationalists united to fight the Japanese.
The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state now headed for a certain collapse. Americans need to wake up.
Americans are comfortable with food, TV, sex, beer, weed, and AC, but things could decline in a hurry when the US Ponzi economy implodes, Communists come to power in 2020 or 2024, or guns are confiscated.
You can either be a zombie and accept the ruling class support for wars, debt, and tyranny, move abroad or buy a sailboat, or be a rebel and attack the elites, Gestapo, and politicians.
Voting will not work because the US is not a democracy.
Americans must start buying food, gold, and guns or plan to leave.
Americans should urgently try to educate everyone on the dangers or wars, debt, and tyranny. Make a website, talk to people, pass out flyers, and sponsor billboards.
What will you do when the government steals your house, your ATM card doesn't work, the Gestapo shoot people in the street, and a starving man tries to stab you with a butter knife to steal a can of corn?
Guns will help Americans fight tyranny, but Iceland, Ukraine, and Egypt overthrew their governments without guns.
Cubans and North Koreans tolerate tyranny, but are Americans cowards, too?
Fighting Iran for Israel is pointless and doesn't sound exciting, but dying fighting traitors who support debt, censorship, closing churches, gun control, NSA wiretapping, forfeiture, torture, indefinite detention without trial, the end of the right to silence, and kill lists would be worthwhile.
We are in the collapse. The beast system is failing. And when the system fails, and we take back our countries, those who did not act will be lined up on the very same walls that race-traitors are lined. There is no sitting out, no "participation" award for doing nothing. Just a bullet. No. one. gets. to. sit. this. one. out.
Americans say a civil war would mean a country like China or Russia would exploit the division of the US and try to invade, but no foreign nation attacked the USA during the first Civil War. Japan did invade China during the Chinese civil war, but the Communists and Nationalists united to fight the Japanese.
The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state now headed for a certain collapse. Americans need to wake up.
Americans are comfortable with food, TV, sex, beer, weed, and AC, but things could decline in a hurry when the US Ponzi economy implodes, Communists come to power in 2020 or 2024, or guns are confiscated.
You can either be a zombie and accept the ruling class support for wars, debt, and tyranny, move abroad or buy a sailboat, or be a rebel and attack the elites, Gestapo, and politicians.
Voting will not work because the US is not a democracy.
Americans must start buying food, gold, and guns or plan to leave.
Americans should urgently try to educate everyone on the dangers or wars, debt, and tyranny. Make a website, talk to people, pass out flyers, and sponsor billboards.
What will you do when the government steals your house, your ATM card doesn't work, the Gestapo shoot people in the street, and a starving man tries to stab you with a butter knife to steal a can of corn?
Guns will help Americans fight tyranny, but Iceland, Ukraine, and Egypt overthrew their governments without guns.
Cubans and North Koreans tolerate tyranny, but are Americans cowards, too?
Fighting Iran for Israel is pointless and doesn't sound exciting, but dying fighting traitors who support debt, censorship, closing churches, gun control, NSA wiretapping, forfeiture, torture, indefinite detention without trial, the end of the right to silence, and kill lists would be worthwhile.
Americans simply cannot recognize hypocrisy.
Playboys scream girls are sluts and then players turn around and sleep with them.
Americans say North Korea is evil because they torture and have nuclear weapons, but the US also tortures and has nuclear bombs.
Americans hate Obama because Obama loves war, debt, and tyranny, but Trump also supports war, debt, and the police state.
Nazis hate Jews because Jews push immorality, wars, debt, and tyranny, but Fascists also support immorality, wars, debt, and tyranny.
Racists hate immigrants, but racists had families that were immigrants.
Racists lose their minds when blacks say that blacks are poor because of white people, but racists then turn around and blame Jews for keeping white people down.
Something you can do today to spread freedom is to train someone how to use a firearm. You could also go to gun shows and buy guns and ammo to give away as gifts to as many Americans as you can.
Banning guns won't be easy if everyone is a gunowner.
One reason Americans are tolerating tyranny now is that they have food, AC, and beer. Once the guns are outlawed, Communists are elected in 2020 or 2024, or the US Ponzi economy pops and people are starving in the street, Civil War 2.0 could start.
Time is running out.
First question to ray is mine
I didn't ask about stupid smartphones
Too many dronez
Gualt to do something about that before singularity
@dcjogger Don't give them ideas! As self-determined hypocritical paranoid masochists, these criminals already routinely attack their thereby innocent victims first BY slandering them with their chosen double standards: "SINCE you're always all out to get me, I'm always your victim - and because you COULD always attack me, so you WILL do so, and in fact you are probably already (still) doing it, I HAVE TO "pre-emptively, defensively, counter"- attack you first, to stop your evil crimes! Whee!"