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The USA is now an immoral bankrupt warmongering police state flooded with illegal aliens.

When the Europeans arrived in North America, they wiped out the Indians, imported black slaves, and then started a free country.

Thirty years ago, some Americans may have questioned why people hated Jews, but Americans started finding out why when the Internet became widespread.

Even if you hate to blame the US collapse on the Jews, Americans have to wonder who is behind the moral decay, refugees, illegal immigrants, feminism, divorces, censorship, debt, wars, and police state. Who controls Wall Street, the media, and Hollywood?

Americans bitch and complain that they are victims of the Jews, but how can Americans say that they aren’t responsible for anything?

If the Jews tell you to be immoral and you are immoral then whose fault is that?

If the Jews tell you to go in debt and you are in debt then whose fault is that?

If Americans hate wars then where are the war protests?

If Americans hate illegal aliens then where are the protests?

If Americans love freedom then why do they beg for more laws?

Do Jews outnumber white people?

Nazis say that the Jews must be killed off, but are there any other options?

Racists scream Jews destroy countries and then Jews say they are victims when they get expelled or killed.

Can’t white people use Jewish methods?

Can’t white people start free speech forums?

Can’t white people start movie studios, media companies, and stock markets?

Black people have the NAACP, why can’t white people have a white pride organization?

Can’t white people move to white places like Vermont, Montana, or Eastern Europe?

Are Americans crippled retards?

How can Americans sleep at night while the USA collapses?

How can Americans look in the mirror today without feeling disgusted and ashamed?


Americans want to live in a happy paradise with high wages, no guns, no blacks, no Muslims, no Jews, no illegal immigrants, no beggars, no smokers, no straws, and no flag-burning, but how did tyranny work out for the USSR?

Do you really want to live in a world where everyone is a mindless sheep, everyone has the same thinking, and everyone wears the same clothes?

Every bad goyim needs to arm themselves. Don't count on your life to stay comfy forever.

Every bad goyim needs to arm themselves. Don't count on your life to stay comfy forever.

Americans want to live in a happy paradise with high wages, no guns, no blacks, no Muslims, no Jews, no illegal immigrants, no beggars, no smokers, no straws, and no flag-burning, but how did tyranny work out for the USSR?

Do you really want to live in a world where everyone is a mindless sheep, everyone has the same thinking, and everyone wears the same clothes?

Americans simply cannot recognize hypocrisy.

Playboys scream girls are sluts and then players turn around and sleep with them.

Americans say North Korea is evil because they torture and have nuclear weapons, but the US also tortures and has nuclear bombs.

Americans hate Obama because Obama loves war, debt, and tyranny, but Trump also supports war, debt, and the police state.

Nazis hate Jews because Jews push immorality, wars, debt, and tyranny, but Fascists also support immorality, wars, debt, and tyranny.

Racists hate immigrants, but racists had families that were immigrants.

Racists lose their minds when blacks say that blacks are poor because of white people, but racists then turn around and blame Jews for keeping white people down.

How can we get the muzzies to take out the Jews? They have a natural disaffinity to them and they live in the same region.

Perhaps there are some ways we can help them achieve this objective.

If white people win the race war, Communists are fucked.

The future looks extremely grim.

There are no more free countries.

No country has religious freedom, free speech, gun rights, or protection from warrantless searches, forfeiture, indefinite detention, torture, or extrajudicial assassination.

You might have slightly more freedom in Ireland or Switzerland, but soon the whole world will look like North Korea.

People in Venezuela, China, Vietnam, and Cuba seem to deal with tyranny by just ignoring it and living their lives, but making plans are difficult because everything is illegal and you can be arrested at anytime.

Americans seem to either not know about the US collapse, think that the US is not decaying, don't want to know about the decline, or think that nothing can be done to save the USA.

Some Americans want to educate and wake people up.

Patriots who are awake seem to be divided about what to do.

Some patriots think that voting won't work and US immorality, wars, debt, and tyranny won't improve without a civil war now.

Other patriots want to wait because they think that they will have more allies when the US Ponzi economy implodes, guns are confiscated, and Communists are elected.

The future seems to becoming more grim by the day.

Soon Americans who criticize the government will not be able to have a bank account, rent or buy homes or cars, travel, buy a plane/bus/train ticket, get a passport, get a driver license, work, start a business, see a doctor, go to college, receive welfare, or buy a gun.

When the US stock market crashes, banks will close, the FDIC will not be able to cover bank losses, your ATM card will not work, there will be inflation and wage deflation, companies will close, layoffs will soar, homelessness will rise, the government will raise taxes, there will be bail-ins, cash might be banned, gold might be outlawed, negative interest rates, and capital controls.

The electricity, phones, and water may not work.

Riots and protests will break out. Roving mobs will steal food.

The Gestapo will either quit, join the rebels and gangs, or become more brutal.

The government will respond by banning protests, shutting off the Internet, closing churches, banning guns, having warrantless home searches, forfeiture will rise, the police will torture, the border will be shut, concentration camps will be opened, jury trials will be ended, elections will be canceled, and property might be nationalized.

Secession will be considered.

Civil war will break out. A race war might happen. Militias will become armies.

Rogue US soldiers may join the rebels and give advice, inside info, and equipment. Foreign countries may arm US patriots. Rebels might seize US army bases and gun factories.

The US government will try to start WWIII with North Korea, China, Russia, and Iran to distract Americans.

The future is certain. All that is unknown is the timeframe. Will the elites manage to kick the debt can down the road 2, 5, 10, or 30 years?

Americans must start buying guns, gold, and food today or leave the USA.

Pass the word.

@dcjogger Why would they do that when they can wait until White people and Jews mutually destroy each other and profit from it?

If white people win the race war, Communists are fucked.

The easiest, clearest way to fully pill far leftists is this:
Leftists already know superrich asshole guys control banks who start wars and kill society, whether they like the society or not. All you have to do for these guys is effectively point put that the global elite are overhwhelmingly the same race.

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