Have Americans ever read a history book before?
Americans think that the airports, parks, schools, and courthouses were already built when the European settlers arrived in North America, but what if the towns were built by the settlers and then the government was set up?
Americans seem to think gulags, killing fields, and concentration camps never existed.
Do you think your grandpa would be lying if he looked you in the eye and said his friend was killed during WWII?
Do you honestly think that the Great Depression and WWII never happened?
Americans prance around thinking that they live in a free and peaceful country with a balanced budget, but what if Americans were wrong?
What if the USA was really a bankrupt warmongering police state?
Do you see any similarities at all between the 1929 stock market crash, the Great Depression, the trade war, and WWII and the 2008 stock market crash, the recession, the trade war, and a possible WWIII?
You don't see any warning signs?
Do think tyranny is some kind of joke?
Do you tyranny is a fun little game?
Do you think the US Ponzi economy will never collapse?
What will you do when inflation is 1 million percent?
What will you think when you see the Gestapo line protesters against a wall and shoot them?
What will you do when you see a starving guy with a butter knife stab someone to steal a can of corn?
Will you wish that you had said something when you are sitting in a concentration camp?
Do you think that you will be able to opt-out when the US starts WWIII with North Korea, Iran, Russia, and China and the nuclear bombs explode around you?
Aren't you just a little concerned?
Have Americans ever read a history book before?
Americans think that the airports, parks, schools, and courthouses were already built when the European settlers arrived in North America, but what if the towns were built by the settlers and then the government was set up?
Americans seem to think gulags, killing fields, and concentration camps never existed.
Do you think your grandpa would be lying if he looked you in the eye and said his friend was killed during WWII?
Do you honestly think that the Great Depression and WWII never happened?
Americans prance around thinking that they live in a free and peaceful country with a balanced budget, but what if Americans were wrong?
What if the USA was really a bankrupt warmongering police state?
Do you see any similarities at all between the 1929 stock market crash, the Great Depression, the trade war, and WWII and the 2008 stock market crash, the recession, the trade war, and a possible WWIII?
You don't see any warning signs?
Do think tyranny is some kind of joke?
Do you tyranny is a fun little game?
Do you think the US Ponzi economy will never collapse?
What will you do when inflation is 1 million percent?
What will you think when you see the Gestapo line protesters against a wall and shoot them?
What will you do when you see a starving guy with a butter knife stab someone to steal a can of corn?
Will you wish that you had said something when you are sitting in a concentration camp?
Do you think that you will be able to opt-out when the US starts WWIII with North Korea, Iran, Russia, and China and the nuclear bombs explode around you?
Aren't you just a little concerned?
We are already living in a more realistic version of the totalitarian societies described in 1984, Brave New World, etc.
Basically everything's fucked up because the elites overreacted and the doomers were right.
Nothing left to do other than either go off the grid and live like our ancestors
or go through life pretending to be normal which is arguably much harder than just going postal or off the grid.
As Jews control every mean of communication (media, Internet, etc), can people really communicate? I mean, without any censorship or wiretap?
The Jew-controlled society pushes you to embrace an ideology and "go protest" on streets.
It seems that most of conversations have been dumbed down, shut down, banned, sabotaged or lowered to a "right wing" tier now.
They can't re-control the narrative after so many truths and so many shits, but at the same time they've "annulled the enemy" with Internet censorship.
As the truth gets harder to take the "civility of discourse" gets more requirements, with confusion, watering down, algorithm changes, shadow bans, etc.
Americans say a civil war would mean a country like China or Russia would exploit the division of the US and try to invade, but no foreign nation attacked the USA during the first Civil War. Japan did invade China during the Chinese civil war, but the Communists and Nationalists united to fight the Japanese.
The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state now headed for a certain collapse. Americans need to wake up.
Americans are comfortable with food, TV, sex, beer, weed, and AC, but things could decline in a hurry when the US Ponzi economy implodes, Communists come to power in 2020 or 2024, or guns are confiscated.
You can either be a zombie and accept the ruling class support for wars, debt, and tyranny, move abroad or buy a sailboat, or be a rebel and attack the elites, Gestapo, and politicians.
Voting will not work because the US is not a democracy.
Americans must start buying food, gold, and guns or plan to leave.
Americans should urgently try to educate everyone on the dangers or wars, debt, and tyranny. Make a website, talk to people, pass out flyers, and sponsor billboards.
What will you do when the government steals your house, your ATM card doesn't work, the Gestapo shoot people in the street, and a starving man tries to stab you with a butter knife to steal a can of corn?
Guns will help Americans fight tyranny, but Iceland, Ukraine, and Egypt overthrew their governments without guns.
Cubans and North Koreans tolerate tyranny, but are Americans cowards, too?
Fighting Iran for Israel is pointless and doesn't sound exciting, but dying fighting traitors who support debt, censorship, closing churches, gun control, NSA wiretapping, forfeiture, torture, indefinite detention without trial, the end of the right to silence, and kill lists would be worthwhile.