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We can always use euphemisms. A few years back niggers were called dindu nuffins and it would mess the globohomo google's algorithms up a bit.

The kikes have almost replaced the White man. The only thing we have to look forward to is our suicide notes.

I'm not saying a civil war is going to happen. I am saying there are millions of White people who are mentally prepared for something of the effect, and who recognize that there is something terribly, terribly wrong with society.

Yes, America
and the White western world as a whole is
simply going on a slow downward spiral into a more realistic 1984-style tyrrany as time progresses, where the economy is able to stay just enough afloat to make it seem like the kikes
have some legitimate authority, the illusion of which will be enforced by the Gestapo, most if not all of which will be nonwhites arresting or victimizing in some other fashion any damn White person they please, and where White people trying to just live their
lives will be faced with maddening levels of restrictions and persecutions, where committing a "micro-aggression" by some chance encounter with a nigger or wetback will end your life either through death or spending the rest of it in an even worse kind of hell locked in a cage with a pack of animals to either sodomize you or nail you with shivs should you resist.

The whites who know a
civil war or whatever you'd like to call it is coming, and have spent time preparing.

The chances of Civil war or balkanization are 1/1,000,000,000.

Plus, if these things continue for another
decade or two, there's absolutely no chance whatsoever of White racial survival.

I'm not saying a civil war is going to happen. I am saying there are millions of White people who are mentally prepared for something of the effect, and who recognize that there is something terribly, terribly wrong with society.

Yes, America
and the White western world as a whole is
simply going on a slow downward spiral into a more realistic 1984-style tyrrany as time progresses, where the economy is able to stay just enough afloat to make it seem like the kikes
have some legitimate authority, the illusion of which will be enforced by the Gestapo, most if not all of which will be nonwhites arresting or victimizing in some other fashion any damn White person they please, and where White people trying to just live their
lives will be faced with maddening levels of restrictions and persecutions, where committing a "micro-aggression" by some chance encounter with a nigger or wetback will end your life either through death or spending the rest of it in an even worse kind of hell locked in a cage with a pack of animals to either sodomize you or nail you with shivs should you resist.

The chances of Civil war or balkanization are 1/1,000,000,000.

Plus, if these things continue for another
decade or two, there's absolutely no chance whatsoever of White racial survival.

The future looks extremely grim.

The elites have set up a system where nothing can change.

The globalists control Hollywood, Wall Street, the media, and the government.

The ruling class uses carrots and sticks to force Americans to be compliant.

The moral politician can either take campaign donations from the globalists and embrace debt, wars, and tyranny or work hard and pay taxes that fund war, debt, and tyranny to self-finance a political campaign.

The 1% can use the media to run hit pieces on politicians who love freedom, peace, and balanced budgets. The press can use unnamed sources to lie about honest candidates or find workers, employers, friends, or family members who were involved in a scandal. The Deep State can hack voting machines or threaten, drug, or kill moral politicians.

Americans will not resist because they are too distracted by bread and circuses, degenerate, depraved, degraded, and immoral and are dependent on Obamacare, Obamaphones, food stamps, and Section 8.

Wide-scale resistance is unlikely because of NSA wiretapping.

Brave patriots who attack police stations and government buildings will be vilified by the press as kooks and lone wolves.

Any Americans who support wars, debt, and the police state is considered to be normal and will get a paycheck or a sale.

The 1% scare Americans to beg for their chains.

The elites can get Americans to beg for a wall that will keep Americans in by running stories about scary illegal aliens.

The ruling class can say TSA groping is needed because of Muslims.

The globalists say guns must be banned because of blacks.

The ruling class says a trade war is needed to stop cheap Chinese prices.

The ruling powers say rent control and a minimum wage is needed to fight inflation.

The globalists say taxes must be raised to pay for US debt, wars, and tyranny.

The 1% says checkpoints are needed to stop drunk-drivers.

The elites say smoking bans are needed to help the state meet private prison quotas.

The most logical response to an environment like this is for the moral American to leave now.

Lose your name, stop carrying a mobile phone around, use cash, buy guns and gold, go Galt, dropout, go off the grid, and be like the Amish.

Americans think that they are all victims and that they are not responsible for anything.

The US is bankrupt warmongering police state today because everyone thinks the system is legit.

The elites give campaign donations and cushy job promises to politicians who make laws that enslave Americans, the Gestapo enforces the decrees, and Americans obey the laws.

If no one obeyed the laws or paid the taxes and the Gestapo didn't enforce the laws then the whole system would crumble.

No one rules if no one obeys.

Why not make more public groups and meet ups now? It's only going to get more illegal as time goes on in the US and Europe, might as well start as soon as you can, right?

We're well past being a nation of laws. The US is
borderless and has a hopelessly corrupt political class, ect.

Redlight cameras are invasive blanket surveillance being perpetrated by kike megacorps with the blessing and subsidization by the gov't and the moronic public.

Being scanned and cataloged everywhere you go is nothing less than tyranny.

Americans think that they are all victims and that they are not responsible for anything.

The US is bankrupt warmongering police state today because everyone thinks the system is legit.

The elites give campaign donations and cushy job promises to politicians who make laws that enslave Americans, the Gestapo enforces the decrees, and Americans obey the laws.

If no obeyed the laws or paid the taxes and the Gestapo didn't enforce the laws then the whole system would crumble.

No one rules if no one obeys.

Americans think that they are all victims and that they are not responsible for anything.

The US is bankrupt warmongering police state today because everyone thinks the system is legit.

The elites give campaign donations and cushy job promises to politicians who make laws that enslave Americans, the Gestapo enforces the decrees, and Americans obey the laws.

If no obeyed the laws or paid the taxes and the Gestapo didn't enforce the laws then the whole system would crumble.

No one rules if no one obeys.

What do you call a nigger in space?

A problem.

What do you call 100 niggers in space?

A bigger problem.

What do you call all the niggers in space?

Problem solved.

Why I should worship the state who apparently is the only party that can possess guns without question?

The state's only purpose is to kill and control. Why do you worship it?

At which point will Americans realize that creating an unaccountable institution that is able to pass its liability on to tax-payers is immoral and attracts sociopaths?

When your country is collapsing, staying sane is harder than going postal.

As Jews control every mean of communication (media, Internet, etc), can people really communicate? I mean, without any censorship or wiretap?

The Jew-controlled society pushes you to embrace an ideology and "go protest" on streets.

It seems that most of conversations have been dumbed down, shut down, banned, sabotaged or lowered to a "right wing" tier now.

They can't re-control the narrative after so many truths and so many shits, but at the same time they've "annulled the enemy" with Internet censorship.

As the truth gets harder to take the "civility of discourse" gets more requirements, with confusion, watering down, algorithm changes, shadow bans, etc.

Americans say a civil war would mean a country like China or Russia would exploit the division of the US and try to invade, but no foreign nation attacked the USA during the first Civil War. Japan did invade China during the Chinese civil war, but the Communists and Nationalists united to fight the Japanese.

The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state now headed for a certain collapse. Americans need to wake up.

Americans are comfortable with food, TV, sex, beer, weed, and AC, but things could decline in a hurry when the US Ponzi economy implodes, Communists come to power in 2020 or 2024, or guns are confiscated.

You can either be a zombie and accept the ruling class support for wars, debt, and tyranny, move abroad or buy a sailboat, or be a rebel and attack the elites, Gestapo, and politicians.

Voting will not work because the US is not a democracy.

Americans must start buying food, gold, and guns or plan to leave.

Americans should urgently try to educate everyone on the dangers or wars, debt, and tyranny. Make a website, talk to people, pass out flyers, and sponsor billboards.

What will you do when the government steals your house, your ATM card doesn't work, the Gestapo shoot people in the street, and a starving man tries to stab you with a butter knife to steal a can of corn?

Guns will help Americans fight tyranny, but Iceland, Ukraine, and Egypt overthrew their governments without guns.

Cubans and North Koreans tolerate tyranny, but are Americans cowards, too?

Fighting Iran for Israel is pointless and doesn't sound exciting, but dying fighting traitors who support debt, censorship, closing churches, gun control, NSA wiretapping, forfeiture, torture, indefinite detention without trial, the end of the right to silence, and kill lists would be worthwhile.

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