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One wonders if the real reason the police hire tattooed people to be cops is because no moral American would ever want to help the elites run a police state by enforcing unconstitutional laws.

The US used to be a free and peaceful country with declining debt. The USA is now a bankrupt warmongering police state.

Everything is illegal. The US is not a democracy. The Bill of Rights has been repealed. Every day just gets worse.

Instead of just sitting there and thinking about the collapse, why not take concrete action and go out and buy guns, ammo, gold, and food today?

The US might last another 100 years, but the chance of the USA collapsing next year is just as likely.

Americans who believe in freedom should walk the talk.

The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state now.

Go Galt.


Go off the grid.

Quit paying taxes.

Don't get a driver license.

Stop flying to avoid TSA groping.

Don't use phones to avoid NSA wiretapping.

Americans who believe in freedom should walk the talk.

The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state now.

Go Galt.


Go off the grid.

Quit paying taxes.

Don't get a driver license.

Stop flying to avoid TSA groping.

Don't use phones to avoid NSA wiretapping.

Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else.

In America today it is difficult to tell the truth without being accused of a variety of sins and marginalized. When speaking truth is no longer effective, there is no purpose in speaking it. This is the reason truth-tellers are being marginalized. It is a way of shutting down truth, which, of course, makes it easy for the ruling oligarchs to control explanations in order to achieve their agendas.

Identity Politics is hate-based. It is no different from Marxist class war. It would be naive to expect any different outcome than Lenin’s class war that exterminated many. The lesson of history is that whoever is demonized is dispossessed or killed. It is the human way. When hatred is unleashed, it runs its course.

The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.


The default response American response to the US decline seems to be denial, to attack the messenger, and to praise their beloved government overlords.

Part of the reason that the US is rapidly collapsing now is that Americans are all thin-skinned control freaks and think the police state only applies to others, but that they are exempt from tyranny.

Nazis are overjoyed when negroes are jailed for wearing baggy pants, but then racists are shocked when Fascists are arrested for using hate speech.

Fascists scream with delight when Communists are arrested for wearing a mask, but then racists are stunned when Nazis are arrested for owning a gun.

No one is safe in a police state. Billionaires, politicians, and the Gestapo could all be arrested. Dictators can be toppled.

Americans say that they hate the elites, but then Americans turn around and embrace everything the Jews are selling.

Americans insist that the globalists oppose immorality, illegal immigration, debt, the police state, and wars, but if the 1% controls Hollywood, the media, Wall Street, and the government then why is there immorality, illegal immigrants, debt, tyranny, and wars?

If the ruling class controls everything and supported morality, balanced budgets, freedom, and peace then the USA today would look like the US did in 1960.

If the elites oppose feminism then why do movies and the media praise females and criticize men?

If the ruling class opposes population control then why are birth control, assisted suicide, and abortion legal?

If the ruling powers support morality then why is morality mocked and homosexuality praised?

Would the US have a debt if the globalists opposed debt?

Would the USA be at war if the elites opposed wars?

Do you honestly believe that the US would be a police state if the 1% supported the Bill of Rights?

Jews, Nazis, and Commies all support immorality, illegal immigrants, debt, the police state, and wars and scream that they are different.

Americans love groupthink and living in an echo chamber.

Americans have absolutely no critical thinking skills, cannot see hypocrisy, do not recognize unintended consequences, do not know history, and deal with cognitive dissonance by using mental gymnastics and making up facts to match their narrative.

Americans insist anyone who supports war, debt, and tyranny is normal and anyone who loves peace, balanced budgets, and freedom is a nutjob and should be censored, get an IRS audit, arrested, or killed.

Americans scream a trade war ended the Great Depression.

Americans insist Hitler was a saint and no one died during WWII.

Americans scream the US never had black people before today.

Americans swear that the US doesn't have any churches.

Americans claim the US always had food stamps, TSA groping, CIA torture, checkpoints, NDAA indefinite detention without trial, extrajudicial assassinations, and NSA wiretapping.

Americans say the USA never had a balanced budget.

Americans swear that the US has been at war every day since 1776.

The US is collapsing into mass insanity.

Absolutely disgusting.

Communism is one of the most terrible pseudo-religions to ever plague humanity.

It is a dreadful anti-human cult, trampling on every natural human instinct.

The only people that are Communists are deluded fools, power-hungry monsters or the mentally ill.

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