The default response American response to the US decline seems to be denial, to attack the messenger, and to praise their beloved government overlords.
Part of the reason that the US is rapidly collapsing now is that Americans are all thin-skinned control freaks and think the police state only applies to others, but that they are exempt from tyranny.
Nazis are overjoyed when negroes are jailed for wearing baggy pants, but then racists are shocked when Fascists are arrested for using hate speech.
Fascists scream with delight when Communists are arrested for wearing a mask, but then racists are stunned when Nazis are arrested for owning a gun.
No one is safe in a police state. Billionaires, politicians, and the Gestapo could all be arrested. Dictators can be toppled.
Americans say that they hate the elites, but then Americans turn around and embrace everything the Jews are selling.
Americans insist that the globalists oppose immorality, illegal immigration, debt, the police state, and wars, but if the 1% controls Hollywood, the media, Wall Street, and the government then why is there immorality, illegal immigrants, debt, tyranny, and wars?
If the ruling class controls everything and supported morality, balanced budgets, freedom, and peace then the USA today would look like the US did in 1960.
If the elites oppose feminism then why do movies and the media praise females and criticize men?
If the ruling class opposes population control then why are birth control, assisted suicide, and abortion legal?
If the ruling powers support morality then why is morality mocked and homosexuality praised?
Would the US have a debt if the globalists opposed debt?
Would the USA be at war if the elites opposed wars?
Do you honestly believe that the US would be a police state if the 1% supported the Bill of Rights?
Jews, Nazis, and Commies all support immorality, illegal immigrants, debt, the police state, and wars and scream that they are different.
Americans love groupthink and living in an echo chamber.
Americans have absolutely no critical thinking skills, cannot see hypocrisy, do not recognize unintended consequences, do not know history, and deal with cognitive dissonance by using mental gymnastics and making up facts to match their narrative.
Americans insist anyone who supports war, debt, and tyranny is normal and anyone who loves peace, balanced budgets, and freedom is a nutjob and should be censored, get an IRS audit, arrested, or killed.
Americans scream a trade war ended the Great Depression.
Americans insist Hitler was a saint and no one died during WWII.
Americans scream the US never had black people before today.
Americans swear that the US doesn't have any churches.
Americans claim the US always had food stamps, TSA groping, CIA torture, checkpoints, and NSA wiretapping.
Americans say the USA never had a balanced budget.
Americans swear that the US has been at war every day since 1776.
The US is collapsing into mass insanity.
Absolutely disgusting.
Some Americans may have felt uneasy 35 years ago when DUI laws, DWI checkpoints, seatbelt laws, and car liability insurance laws were started, but most people felt that the experts must be right.
Pro-police state shows like "COPS" and "America's Most Wanted" were then aired, neighborhood watch groups were formed, "get tough on crime" candidates were elected, and laws allowing mandatory minimums, IMBRA, 3 strikes laws, curfews, police militarization, teen boot camps, school metal detectors, private prisons, and chain gangs were enacted.
Nanny state smoking laws then started appearing.
When 9/11 happened, the Patriot Act was passed, NSA wiretapping, no knock raids, take down notices, no fly lists, terror watch lists, Constitution free zones, stop and frisk, kill switches, National Security Letters, DNA databases, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, TSA groping, civil forfeiture, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, IRS laws denying passports for tax debts, gun and ammo stockpiles, laws outlawing protesting, Jade Helm, sneak and peek warrants, policing for profit, no refusal blood checkpoints, license plate readers, redlight cameras, speed cameras, FBI facial and voice recognition, tattoo databases, gun bans, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, searches without warrants, CISPA, SOPA, private prison quotas, supermax prisons, FOSTA, sex offender registration laws, and sex offender restriction laws were allowed.
Now that the USA is a total police state, Americans are finding out that changing anything is impossible and that freedom is lost forever.
Honestly, the more I see just how negative and hypocritical the entire Nazi movement is, the more I dislike it.
You guys espouse no higher purpose. All you do is praise Hitler, jerk off to pictures of him, and live in a Fascist fantasy world. You will degrade anyone who confidently comes along offering a higher purpose, and who wants to organize because you don't want someone to take the spotlight away from you. It's all a big fucking joke. Just a bunch of goofy faggots who throw out insults at other whites so they can feel superior. "Manlet" "Dicklet" "Brainlet". You love bitching about Jews because you're too weak to get behind an everyman who could change it.
You really are to be despised.
You are the weakest of the white race. You are completely servile and Nietzsche was right about Christianity breeding a weak, submissive white man.
The brainwashing was done in the past, but it was Christian and church brainwashing to keep people docile. It fell out of favor so stuff like 'science' has replaced it. As much as I like science there is too much flowing around that has no scientific reproduction qualities and is just propaganda for democracy, multiculturalism and other nonsense belonging to those two.
Majority of those who are red pilled and act out on it are disciplined by police. They are often not the most intelligent either, since people with a brain figured out they're just going to get their ass kicked in by police + have a brainwashed counterprotest mob to identify and screw them in some way.
You can't have a high position in society without accepting the status quo, or playing around it and just hating on it all in private. A lot of those same elites who push multiculturalism and democracy despise it in private, but have no power to change it so they play it.
I disagree with your notion of 'ending' it being the right thing. Wanting to end it just indicates you have a lack of purpose in life. There have been some truly horrid times in European history where the church butchered and oppressed anyone who had a sane outlook on their lies and how reality was. You can kind of see the multicultural, democratic elite class and their academic + media whores as a new form of church + state.
The collapse of the USA is shocking. How can Americans sleep now?
What should Americans do? What will happen? How do you prepare? How do you resist tyranny?
We have four boxes with which to defend our freedom: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. Americans are running out of options. The elites have taken control of the government, media, and the corporations. The 1% will not stop until everyone is enslaved or dead.
The US, like China, is a police state where no one has rights and anyone can be tortured, arrested, killed, or have their property stolen by the state at any time. Most people prefer to ignore it and pretend everything is fine, though.
Americans are too lazy and scared to protest, but even if 10 million Americans protested in Washington, our overlords would use water cannons, tear gas, torture, guns, and prisons to crush it.
Americans could use guerrilla warfare and snipers to attack the government and elites, but the government could use the guns, fighter jets, helicopters, drones, aircraft carriers, tanks, and nuclear bombs that the American taxpayers paid for against the rebels. Americans, like the Soviets, could just give up, drop out, pretend to work, stop paying taxes, and start disobeying the law and the whole rigged system could collapse.
Another option to escape tyranny as conditions worsen is for Americans to just lay low, become stateless and nameless, and wander the world as nomads.
Part of the reason Americans are not resisting now is that they are defeated, degraded, divided, and distracted. Why go out and risk getting arrested and killed fighting tyranny when they have weed, beer, food stamps, A/C, and TV? Young people donât care about freedom because they think living in a police state is normal and old people donât care because they will be dead soon. Only middle-aged people who know what freedom was like and might be still alive for another 30-40 years seem to care.
The USA has crossed the line, but knowing when the revolution starts is difficult because the growth of the police state has been gradual.
Until the government closes churches or burns books, or you get beaten by the police or your friend is shot by the FBI, Americans may not really believe that they live in a police state.
The ruling class and the media have studied history well and have slowly chipped away freedom over the past 50 years. The media plays Americans like a fiddle. The elites can manipulate Americans to give up their freedom easily.
All the government needs to do to get Americans to give up their guns is to use a real or staged shooting and non-stop 24/7 news coverage about the dangers of guns and play slanted stories about the success of gun laws in Australia or Japan to get Americans to register their guns this year and then use another shooting next year to convince Americans to accept gun confiscation and microchip implants.
If the elites want to make Americans give up their freedom then they take the worst case and use endless stories maximizing the dangers of a tragedy and minimizing and ignoring the arguments for liberty.
If the 1% wants all men to register as sex offenders, the media will use a horrifying story about a white man who raped and killed a 7 year old girl.
The ruling class can print any amount of money to fund high salaries or give benefits to pay cops and soldiers to arrest or fire on Americans. The elites can lower standards so that low IQ people, felons, illegal immigrants, and tattooed people can join the military or become police officers. The 1% can use the UN to round up Americans if they canât recruit enough cops and soldiers.
The media may soon use stories about mandatory Ebola quarantines or a Russian invasion to brainwash Americans to go to government concentration camps willingly.
The water and electricity still works and government checks are still good now, but when the US Ponzi economy crashes, riots break out, food runs out, and a civil war and WWIII starts, Americans will wish that they had planned and prepared better.
Americans need to be like the founding fathers now and do everything they can to fight for freedom. Nothing is more important than freedom. Everyone is born for a reason.
The US economy will collapse and Americans will go to the concentration camps, the question is when?
Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them.