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@dcjogger The trouble with libertarianism is that it has nothing to say on race or sex matters which is the key battleground of our day.

I actually agree with libertarians on a lot of issues, but I can't be "open borders and do as thou wilt" right now.

The USA used to have open borders, but now Americans want to live in a country like North Korea.

Americans scream that they hate illegal immigrants, but Americans think that the US can kick out illegal aliens without having a police state.

Do you really believe that the government can get rid of illegals without having a wall, concentration camps, checkpoints, immigration raids, license plate readers, DNA collection, and NSA wiretapping?

Do you honestly think that Americans are never arrested by the Border Patrol?

Do you think that closing the border might prevent Americans from leaving?


Americans have gone stark-raving mad.

Nazis and Communists scream Libertarians care about trifling issues, but Libertarians aren't the ones who who want to regulate teakwood.

Americans insist owning zebras must be illegal because zebras will go extinct, but people now own cats and dogs. Do pet owners have a vested interest in killing their own cats and dogs?

Americans are so retarded today that they say shoes are made by the government.

Americans scream anyone who supports freedom is not a Libertarian.

Americans insist loving gun rights and suppporting torture means freedom.

Americans say all laws must be obeyed even though the government and illegal aliens don't obey the law.

Americans claim drug addicts are forced to use cocaine.

Americans scream being forced to stand for the national anthem means freedom.

Americans insist that companies cannot exist without taxpayer subsidies.

Americans want to vote for a dictator because the other candidate is a tyrant.

Americans insist drugs should be outlawed to stop shootings instead of being allowed to carry guns to protect yourself.

Americans scream a wall should be built to keep illegal immigrants from getting food stamps instead of ending welfare.

Americans say a trade war should be started that will kill the economy, raise prices, and increase tariffs that will fund wars, debt, and tyranny.

Americans swear that you are exploited and forced to work for low wages and buy products because businesses don't give you a choice.

Americans scream that the US debt could be paid off if the government confiscated all of the property owned by Trump.

Americans insist higher minimum wages will end illegal immigration.

Americans have become so batshit insane now that they insist anyone wearing a costume, badge, and a gun is a holy god, but do the Gestapo ever make mistakes?

Why should anyone care if you own guns, use prostitutes, go to church, or smoke?

Have Americans ever read a history book before?

Americans have become such pussified snowflakes now that they beg their beloved government overlords to protect them from scary illegal immigrants and guns.

The USA had open borders before, why not now? Do you really think that the US never had black people before today?

Did everyone have passports in 1776?

If banning guns will stop people from shooting others, will outlawing murder stop homicides?

The government regulates airlines, but do airplanes still crash?

Americans are simply unable to understand that decrees have unintended consequences.

China used to say all birds must be killed, but then insects multiplied and lead to starvation.

China used to say that the population must grow, but population growth lead to a one child policy. Now China doesn't have enough young people and the sex ratio is lopsided because boys outnumber girls.

Americans start wars and are then stunned that there are refugees, terrorism, tyranny, and debt.

The US bans business and then Americans are shocked when homelessness increases.

The US starts a trade war and then Americans do not have the mental capacity to realize why no one buys US exports and prices soar.

Americans say coffee must be banned because it is dangerous, but what if an expert wrote a study saying coffee is safe?

Could there possibly be any other way to other way to help the environment besides arresting users of straws?

Americans scream seatbelts must be mandatory because accidents raise insurance costs, but if insurance rates are so important then why not ban skydiving, rope, swimming pools, and ladders, too?

Americans insist that the USSR was a stunning success.

Do Americans who hate freedom feel like traitors?

Do Americans just pull facts out of their ass?


Americans have gone stark-raving mad.

Nazis and Communists scream Libertarians care about trifling issues, but Libertarians aren't the ones who who want to regulate teakwood.

Americans insist owning zebras must be illegal because zebras will go extinct, but people now own cats and dogs. Do pet owners have a vested interest in killing their own cats and dogs?

Americans are so retarded today that they say shoes are made by the government.

Americans scream anyone who supports freedom is not a Libertarian.

Americans insist loving gun rights and suppporting torture means freedom.

Americans say all laws must be obeyed even though the government and illegal aliens don't obey the law.

Americans claim drug addicts are forced to use cocaine.

Americans scream being forced to stand for the national anthem means freedom.

Americans insist that companies cannot exist without taxpayer subsidies.

Americans want to vote for a dictator because the other candidate is a tyrant.

Americans insist drugs should be outlawed to stop shootings instead of being allowed to carry guns to protect yourself.

Americans scream a wall should be built to keep illegal immigrants from getting food stamps instead of ending welfare.

Americans say a trade war should be started that will kill the economy, raise prices, and increase tariffs that will fund wars, debt, and tyranny.

Americans swear that you are exploited and forced to work for low wages and buy products because businesses don't give you a choice.

Americans scream that the US debt could be paid off if the government confiscated all of the property owned by Trump.

Americans insist higher minimum wages will end illegal immigration.

Americans have become so batshit insane now that they insist anyone wearing a costume, badge, and a gun is a holy god, but do the Gestapo ever make mistakes?

Why should anyone care if you own guns, use prostitutes, go to church, or smoke?

Have Americans ever read a history book before?

Americans have become such pussified snowflakes now that they beg their beloved government overlords to protect them from scary illegal immigrants and guns.

The USA had open borders before, why not now? Do you really think that the US never had black people before today?

Did everyone have passports in 1776?

If banning guns will stop people from shooting others, will outlawing murder stop homicides?

The government regulates airlines, but do airplanes still crash?

Americans are simply unable to understand that decrees have unintended consequences.

China used to say all birds must be killed, but then insects multiplied and lead to starvation.

China used to say that the population must grow, but population growth lead to a one child policy. Now China doesn't have enough young people and the sex ratio is lopsided because boys outnumber girls.

Americans start wars and are then stunned that there are refugees, terrorism, tyranny, and debt.

The US bans business and then Americans are shocked when homelessness increases.

The US starts a trade war and then Americans do not have the mental capacity to realize why no one buys US exports and prices soar.

Americans say coffee must be banned because it is dangerous, but what if an expert wrote a study saying coffee is safe?

Could there possibly be any other way to other way to help the environment besides arresting users of straws?

Americans scream seatbelts must be mandatory because accidents raise insurance costs, but if insurance rates are so important then why not ban skydiving, rope, swimming pools, and ladders, too?

Americans insist that the USSR was a stunning success.

Do Americans who hate freedom feel like traitors?

Do Americans just pull facts out of their ass?


Americans either scream tyranny is wonderful because the US has always been a police state or think that the US has the most freedom in the world, but what if the USA used to have freedom and lost it?

If Americans hate freedom then why did Americans fight the British?

If the US was always a police state then why did the founding fathers support free speech, protesting, religious freedom, gun rights, the right to silence, and property rights while opposing warrantless searches, civil forfeiture, torture, and extrajudicial assassinations?

Even if the US never had freedom, does that mean liberty is bad?

Did the US have curfews, NSA wiretapping, checkpoints, forfeiture, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, torture, kill lists, no fly lists, searches without warrants, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, DNA databases, CISPA, SOPA, NDAA, IMBRA, FBAR, FATCA, TSA groping, secret FISA courts, redlight cameras, license plate readers, and Jade Helm in 1980?

Did Americans have gun bans, business licenses, Social Security numbers, sales, income, or property taxes in 1890?

Were drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling, and prostitution illegal in 1880?

Was smoking illegal in 1970?

Americans believe their beloved government overlords are holy gods.

Americans scream schools, roads, and parks could never possibly exist without income taxes.

Americans swear that the government invented telephones and airplanes. Americans insist that their shoes come from government shoe factories.

Did everyone have passports in 1776?

Do you forget how to drive when your driver license expires?

Do Americans think Americans just stood around waiting for FEMA to show up after the San Francisco earthquake in 1906?

Do Americans think that airlines had a vested interest in crashing their own planes before the FAA was established? Do planes still crash now?

Has FDA gotten rid of dangerous drugs?

Could businesses start before SBA existed?

Did Americans just starve to death when there were no food stamps?

SEC regulates stockbrokers, but markets still crash.

EPA regulates the environment, but the EPA pollutes.

The USSR was a Socialist utopia, but the Soviet Union was polluted.

Can't the free market run railroads?

Can't the free market run delivery companies?

Americans need to be fanatic about freedom now. Make every conservation about liberty. Make songs, art, and films about freedom.

Tell soldiers and the Gestapo that they are sell-outs and puppets for the elites and traitors against the 99%.

Americans are so enslaved today that after they are groped by TSA and see checkpoints and watch reports about NSA wiretapping that Americans will still insist that anyone who thinks that the US is a police state is a nutjob.

Some patriots are so discouraged about freedom that they will say they have given up warning Americans about tyranny after 35 years, but Americans should NEVER surrender.

Americans do not understand that freedom lost will never be restored.

Outlawing straws would have been unthinkable in 1990, but now straws will never be legal again.

Wake up.

@dcjogger Nobody takes (((libertarians))) serious. Libertarianism is a Jewish creation to subvert and weaken White civilizations.

''Be very afraid of state power, White man. Stop caring about your own people and be selfish. Ignore Jewish collectivism and tribalism, goyim''

Libertarians also blame the ''state/Government'' itself for everything, instead of the people pulling the strings, and we know why. ð

After White kings and rulers expelled the Jews 109 times, the Jews created an ideology that effectively strip White people of power.

We should see White libertarians for what they are: Victims of Jews.

Libertarianism is only about homosexuality, open borders and drugs. Libertarians also worhip usury. Again, we know why. ð


HE'S The Canary In The COALMINE!!!!!
Gary McKinnon Hacked MULTIPLE US Gov sites, including NASA!!!
Exposed "The Space Force" almost 20 YEARS AGO!
Brit Govt' Rallied and denied extradition!!!

"How far can we PUSH OUR Communist Agenda Until They Catch On? And when they DO, HOW WILL They respond??"

They'll MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the government can force you to buy insurance, what's to stop them from forcing you to buy snowblowers and boats, too?

Part of the reason the US is collapsing today is that everyone has tunnel vision.

Joggers think everyone is a jogger.

Homosexuals think everyone is a homosexual.

Junkies think everyone is a junkie.

Libertarians think everyone is a Libertarian.

Nazis think everyone is a Nazi.

Communists think everyone is a Communist.

If you were taught to love liberty, what do you think when you're told that anyone who loves freedom, peace, and balanced budgets is a nutjob and everyone who loves tyranny, war, and debt is normal?

Americans don't understand that without freedom, there is nothing. There is no reason to live if everything you do will get you arrested, tortured like an animal, killed, and everything you earn can be stolen by the government.

Not only do Americans need to face the normal life problems of sickness, relationship troubles, and money problems, Americans now must face living in a police state like every other country.

The government has gradually taken over everything.

Americans are now dependent on food stamps, Obamacare, and public housing.

Starting a business is illegal.

The government tells people what to wear, what to think, what to eat, and what to do.

Americans don't know history and love their chains. Americans are like rape victims who defend their rapist. Americans are so enslaved today that they justify being beaten by guards because prison guards have hard jobs and make low salaries.

Americans have a very narrow range of freedom now. Americans might think that they have the freedom to go to restaurants or fly a kite, but you can still be arrested because there is no rule of law now.

Americans are just prisoners and must get a SSN and give their fingerprints, photos, and DNA to the government.

Not only is the US is a police state, tyranny will get worse. The surveillance technology will improve and increase.

Soon Americans will need to get permission to travel, will be born in concentration camps, and then exterminated.

Racists love Hitler, but Hitler didn't love white people. Hitler thought the natural order was that life was brutal and he was right.

There is no hope.

The most realistic option at this stage for the freedom-loving patriot is to run for the mountains or buy a sailboat.

The window is rapidly closing.

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