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The elites have turned everyone into criminals, liars, hypocrites, and cowards.

The only good thing about living in a police state is that no one can take the moral high ground on anything.

I thought it was odd that a Chinese could be on the fedi because the firewall of china
@pussyslayer @TheMadPirate @dcjogger
@1iceloops123 @TheMadPirate @PussySlayer I think it's odder that people are paranoid about Jojo being a Chinese spy but nobody notices @dcjogger .

@dcjogger You should watch to my "Hippie vs Nazi" video. I pretty much get Chris Cantwell (The Crying Nazi) to admit that he believes that Jews are superior.

Long show, but fun.

@Nobody @dcjogger So you believe in Jewish privilege? How antisemitic of you.

Nazi Germany benefited the Jews by killing millions of white people, allowing to the Jews to have Israel, and giving the Jews a victim card.

The US benefits the Jews by allowing the Jews to control the world with the US military, government, Hollywood, the media, and Wall Street.

@TheMadPirate @1iceloops123 @PussySlayer @dcjogger He used to be on FSE. He gets banned a lot for spamming and duplicate posts, but he's 0.50RMB Gang.

If you were a millionaire and loved the Bill of Rights, would you resist the police state or remain quiet to protect your money?

Americans have gone batshit insane.

The USA is a bankrupt warmongering police state.

The default American response to the US collapse is to ignore the decay, excuse government abuse, attack the messengers who warn of the dangers of tyranny, and to blame everyone else except themselves for the decline.

Americans are ignoring the obvious collapse of the US by sticking their heads in the sand and focusing instead on bread and circuses, celebrities, sports, movies, music, alcohol, drugs, and sex.

Americans don't care about government corruption and scandals.

Americans will vehemently attack anyone who dares criticize their beloved government overlords by shouting "fake news!" or calling patriots spammers, trolls, shills, bots, racists, junkies, retards, or nutjobs and demanding that the truth-tellers be censored, banned, get IRS audits, be arrested, or be killed.

Americans quickly blame China, Russia, libtards, Bush, Obama, homosexuals, Communists, Nazis, blacks, atheists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, feminists, baby boomers, or illegal immigrants for the fall of the USA, but if Americans really want to know who is responsible, they just need to look in the mirror.

Americans say Churchill, FDR, Stalin, LBJ, Putin, Merkel, and Hitler are Jews, no one died during WWII, white people never owned slaves, Communists never killed anyone, the Bill of Rights was repealed by the Organic Act of 1872, the US is a simulation being run from Saturn, and Freemasons control the world, but they never offer any proof. Anyone who does provide opposing evidence will be told their source is unreliable.

Americans say increasing the national debt decreases it.

Americans say food stamps are freedom.

Americans say war is peace.

Americans say tyranny is the American way.

The collapse of the US is shocking and disgusting.

How can Americans sleep at night now?

Every country has the government it deserves.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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