Variations of a nassukun image
0 -
16 - right brow
32 - shirt
48 - right brow shirt
64 - skirt panties
80 - skirt panties right brow
96 - skirt panties shirt
112 - skirt panties shirt right brow
128 - skirt
144 - skirt right brow
160 - skirt shirt
176 - skirt shirt right brow
Answer both polls
Variations of a nassukun image
0 -
1 - mouth
2 - left eye
3 - left eye mouth
4 - left brow
5 - left brow mouth
6 - left brow left eye
7 - left brow left eye mouth
8 - right eye
9 - right eye mouth
10 - right eye left eye
11 - right eye left eye mouth
12 - right eye left brow
13 - right eye left brow mouth
14 - right eye left brow left eye
15 - right eye left brow left eye mouth
@DurianGray Gimp and DeepCreamPy
@Lyk_Mi @Backstreetgirl I would need layers for this one
@Backstreetgirl if you have more like this and you want variations, send them to me (sometimes the layers is even better) and I'll do them. I can make them automatically in renpy, so don't worry about too many subsets.