Concord is dead for after 2 weeks of it’s release! LMAO!!! 🤣
Seeing Brazilian Miku shaking her booty is one of the greatest spectacles ever happening on Twitter! 😍
I guess Itsuno sees the writings on the walls that Capcom has gone woke. Honestly, I can’t blame him for jumping off that sinking ship!
Hey everyone, let’s let these people in and make them turn our countries into giant shitholes like their home countries are!
#RefugeesWelcome #FreePalestine #LetThemIn #ISupportRefugees #OpenBorders
Oh, that's just great. First, it was Square Enix, then Capcom, and now Bandai Namco. It looks like the woke crowd now has a stranglehold on the Japanese. I guess by now, they are begging to go bankrupt!
#DEIDetected #GetWokeGoBroke #GamerGate #BandaiNamco #Capcom
What I got for my birthday. Thanks for the present little brother!
#birthdaypresent #nintendoworldchampionships #switch #mybirthday
Spreading democracy across the galaxy!