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Damn, Helldivers 2 last night was a mess. We had a bunch of disconnects. The new major order mission is near impossible on the difficulty we normally play. And then the other missions haven't been ramped up. So it's silly easy. Bloody that major order is badly designed. We would finish with all twenty reinforcements and then fail to extract. We play this game cause it's fun and challenging. Like when your start level 2 is hard. But as you work things out and get new toys you can push up. We have fun on level 7 because it's tough but fair. And sure some missing go down better than others. But that new major order is even though on level 3. How do new players get through that. Yeah we do arse around and probably aren't always playing as a team but that's our switch off for the week.

We're also had another mission where the extraction ship wouldn't take off. We played death match until we ran out of lives. Hell I even took the 360 mm barrage into the second mission once for shits and giggles.

#HellDivers2 #LastPatchBuggy

NEW GAME!!!!!!PLAY IT NOW!!! :ablobgamerage: :alexjoneswarface: :ablobgamerage: THIS IS A THREAT!!!! >:C 

Brand new text adventure engine for DOS from the gut who made Team Fortress 2008

The two demos here are better than any of the gay slop we've gotten all year

IT'S FREE PLAY IT NOW :alexjoneswarface:



I would rather watch Rebel Moon than that new bullshit Star Wars show The Acolyte!

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