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I see Linkara is still as big of a faggot as ever.

Also, another comic book who can safely be assumed to be a child molester.
Ocarina Zelda would have me believe the couple in love is still in love seven years later. I was OK with fish people and the undead rising at night, but the suspension of disbelief is waning after that unlikely scenario.

There was nothing to do with stable girl. The Luigi-looking guy is evil now, but makes Ganondorf sound like a reasonable businessman.

I keep finding secrets that give me money I can't use. Either no money or get to 99 rupees and start finding all sorts of secrets that go to waste forever. :doge_tiresome:

I have some leads: I acquired a cucco that could possibly wake up the Mario-like fella from the stable. I also heard the gravedigger might be dead and his spirit visible (at night, I suppose). And I can finally buy a poe to sell to some monster in Hyrule town.

But other than that, the ninja lied: there's nothing to do in Kakariko village. :pepe_newspaper:
Trump probably just picked this fool because it was the most similar to "PENCE" for the graphics

(Yes, Trump is that autistic about details like this)
GOP provides cover for actual race realists and anti-jew posters because the left very stupidly conflates MAGApedes and other cucks with the above, so GOP hacks are generally leery of political censorship.

DeSantis excepted, and look how well that worked out for him.

So the creator of Mighty Magic Swords, Kyle Carrozza, turned out to be a fucking pedophile. Not surprising at all.

Shots ringing out, blood on his face, stays to fist pump to the crowd in a defiant fuck you to the potential would be assassin. This got him elected. This is the sort of shit you don't see, you read about. This is a modern day version of Teddy Roosevelt getting shot and brushing it off and telling the crowd you can't keep a bull moose down.

I never voted for Trump. His platform the first time around didn't address the issues I cared about but I did support his shitposting and found it amusing as all hell. At this point I don't care what his platform is anymore, any guy that takes a gunshot and bounces back up like that earned my fucking vote.
This was Trump's distant early warning that eternity calls.

He can become immortal; he need only answer.
@ChristiJunior @Fullmetal2255 He's like a monkey paw wish. He has full command of the people, amazing capabilities of leadership... but he's retarded. Max points in Charisma, zero in Intelligence.
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