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Well, not too shabby for Dall-E Mini, maybe Midjourney COULD put out something more detailed... but i'm skeptic about the faces.

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A lot of people (creative and artists mostly) are fearing and feeling uncomfortable by technologies like Dall-E and Midjourney (picrel), but to me tbh it can end up being the best friend of the digital artist.

If they wish to remain in the laboral field they WILL HAVE to get better at their skill, but these things will allow them to put out better work in less time. And if you are just an artist by hobby, then this technology will mean that artist block days are gonna be less common now.

Man is accused of sitting in women-exclusive seats, he argues that he in that moment identifies as female.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.