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Day 1 - Gargoyle

Very simple, but this is actually the first time that i try my hand at sculpting something complex, and for being the first time and not having graphic tablet or anything like that, the result is acceptable at least to me.

7 de la noche, sigo sin tener idea que putas voy a hacer con el siguiente prompt.

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New feature soon in Krita: Lambert Shading.🔆

It's a blending mode made by Despair for better shading using a single layer. I gave feedback to adjust the blending mode during its development. The blending mode is really versatile as you'll see in this quick demo I painted:

Los post que van saliendo con esa prompt ponen a alguien corriendo, huyendo de algo... hmmm

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Ah... "Escurridizo"... o escabullirse... hmmmm...

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Day 1 - Gargoyle

Very simple, but this is actually the first time that i try my hand at sculpting something complex, and for being the first time and not having graphic tablet or anything like that, the result is acceptable at least to me.

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Wait, so what happened with Akito Takizawa?

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Wait no, i checked the synopsis and it was actually the owner of one of the robots that was pretending to make these sculptures, and then... well read it by yourself it's not a long tale and it's very entertaining, like all Asimov stories.

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Now that we are talking about AI images, i recall this tale from Isaac Asimoov where people had robots and some of them could do artistic "light sculptures" (iirc) or something like that, and the owners of the robots profited off them but it was always clear that the robots made these sculptures, not the owners of the robots.

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It's very funny, AI prompt monkeys hate so much artists for having talent, and at the same time they want to bend the art and artists definitions so they can fit right into them with their ability to type words in a machine.

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Most of the time I don't think people are hating AI images per se, just the load of pretentious assholes feeling all pompous about writing some words in a box and getting something out of it.

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