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mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
@pernia :mokuDead: I'm a chungazoid, it's okay pernia, we'll get through this
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
verbally replying as i type putting emotion into my posts as if i was talking to a real person :itsover:
mguy3790 boosted
gn babes AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA EEEEE A :screech: :senko_sleep: :hamlersleep:
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
@fiddle ok? a Haitian nigger will take care of his mud cake farm too doesn't make him white
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
@lain m-maybe w-we c-c-c-c-can b-be lame t-together....but only i-if you w-want.. 🥺👉👈
mguy3790 boosted
Hi friends, is now back open! Waifu is letting me host it because I have more storage, so I spent a good chunk of my day getting it setup again.

There is nothing on it unfortunately, so all the little bit of progress and uploads we got need to be readded :Sadge:

Jump on and I'll give you unlimited posting perms (dont abuse it)

Upload anything fediverse related! I have a folder at my house that I will dumb here later for all to view, but atm you can dump any shit you want
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
close ur eyes it'll be a real nigga a gangsta nigga a giga nigga
mguy3790 boosted
uhhhh that's kinda sexist sweaty💅🏻💅🏻
mguy3790 boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.