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mguy3790 boosted

@djsumdog @mishari @Ricotta muh sink won't display advertisements so it refuses to work REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

mguy3790 boosted

@mishari Ahh, I googled and I think the answers to those questions are, in order:

- 🤷
- to serve ads
- to serve ads
- to serve ads
- 🤷

mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
that time when i was a was a twenty-year old volunteer and my harpy bitch manager told me to eliminate red-eye in the staff appreciation photos and all that was on the computer was paint and after trying to use it and nearly crying i downloaded GIMP and told her and she told me it was against the organization's policy (because some boomer clicked a phishing email or something) and despite me saying it was open source and virus free the hag said that i could be fired and i ran home crying
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
@graf @wilmhit gay traps are the ones that uooooaaa over cocks
im into traps but more about their asses legs feet
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
Oh, you think the millionth poast is going to be Hitler declaring our inevitable victory? A buxom wheatfield GF? "Nigger"? Do not forget there are saboteurs and miscreants who work against us at every waking moment.
mguy3790 boosted
> There is NO hidden treasure!
> There are NO pirate ships laden with doubloons!
> There is NO den of Mommy Mermaids and Sirens!
> There is NO portal to Atlantis!
> The age of exploration is dead!
mguy3790 boosted


mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted

@neko áaàaàáaááaàáàáàáàaáàáaaá´aáaaáááçaaḉáà+áçááááaá+á+áaáÄÄääÄÄÂäaááàáàáÄaàÄâáÂAÄÂÄâÁÂAÂä

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.