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Americans scream anything that they don't want to hear is word salad.

Soon the US will have virtual elections, a virtual president, and a virtual government and your mobile phone number will be targeted with a drone strike if you protest.

You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when the US is a bankrupt warmongering police state and Americans look you in the eye and say that the USA is a peaceful and free country with a balanced budget.

There is no sanity in the USA anymore.

How can you deal with Americans when they look you in the eye and say that the US had TSA groping in 1776?

The US government used to have no income tax and was funded mostly by tariffs.

Now Americans scream tariffs should be increased while keeping the income tax.


Are Americans able to understand that tariffs are US taxes that will be used to pay for wars, debt, and the police state?

Would anyone be surprised if soon Americans are implanted with microchips, ATM machines, the electricity, water, and the Internet will be shut off, cash is banned, statues are torn down, books are burned, companies are nationalized, the homes of the Founding Fathers are demolished, US history is erased, the US anthem is changed, the US flag is redesigned, the USA gets a new name, concentration camps open, and the date is changed to Year Zero?

Don't think that the Gestapo will only arrest Communists. Anyone who opposes debt, war, tyranny, and the NWO will get zapped.

Everyone in the USA is a foreigner?

Freedom-loving patriots are not the problem in the USA.

The traitorous Nazis, Communists, globalists, politicians, Gestapo, NSA agents, TSA agents, and CIA agents are the ones who are destroying the US by shitting on the Bill of Rights and should be lined up against a wall and shot.

The day of the rope approaches.

American are so batshit insane now that Americans scream the US government should shut down the economy and then use FEMA to execute the homeless.

The US government used to have no income tax and was funded mostly by tariffs.

Now Americans scream tariffs should be increased while keeping the income tax.


Americans scream there must be cops to arrest the bad cops, but why do we need cops at all?

The very same Americans who say that they love freedom then turn around and scream phone companies must be regulated.


Americans think hating Trump means that you love Biden.


Are the Gestapo kind for protecting you from smoking, viruses, car crashes, and pollution or are they evil for taking away your right to go to church, protest, own a gun, have privacy, start a business, remain silent, have a trial, be free from torture, and live?

The very same Americans who scream that the elites must be obeyed then turn around and say anyone who supports freedom is a tool for the globalists.


Those who say that they love freedom sound like hypocrites when they say that those protesting tyranny should be arrested.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.