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You can you go to a store and buy weed, but getting a haircut is illegal?


lady1980 boosted

You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when the US is a bankrupt warmongering police state and Americans look you in the eye and say that the USA is a peaceful and free country with a balanced budget.

Americans want to live in a police state because Americans hate personal responsibility,

In a police state, you don't need to pay your debts. Food, housing, Obamaphones, and medical care are free.

You can kill kids if the Gestapo tells you to.

There are no morals because there are no churches.

If you have a problem, you can just blame Trump, Russia, or the UN.

Americans lose their minds when China sends police into Hong Kong, but no one cares when Trump sends the Gestapo into US cities.

Americans think DHS agents who shoot protesters in the face and patrol cities with black vans while kidnapping Americans without warrants is just a funny little game, but what will Americans think when the DHS starts door-to-door mandatory gun confiscation?

Americans think that the virus and martial law will end in two months, but this lockdown is permanent.

All of the lines have been crossed.

The elites know that the 99% will resist nothing.

The world now has a global government.

The ruling powers have pushed everyone into the cities.

The borders have been closed.

There are checkpoints and curfews.

Guns have been banned.

You are being wiretapped and watched 24/7.

Everything is illegal.

Elections have been cancelled.

The ruling class have outlawed businesses and churches and made everyone dependent on welfare.

Soon everyone will be given mandatory vaccines and implanted with microchips.

ATM machines and the Internet will be shut off.

Cash will be banned.

The cities will be walled off and the 99% will be starved to death in their homes.

The elites will then divide the wealth and property among themselves and use robots to do the work.

Americans don't seem to understand that they are being unconstitutionally wiretapped 24/7 by the government.


Do Americans who hate freedom feel like traitors?

Americans scream elections must be cancelled, churches must be closed, and everyone must be placed under house arrest because of viruses.

Americans think reporters should be arrested because of fake news.

Americans say protesters must be arrested because of Communism.

Americans insist guns must be banned because of blacks.

Americans say there must be forfeiture because of potheads.

Americans swear there must be NSA wiretapping, TSA groping, CIA torture, and extrajudicial assassinations because of Muslims.

Americans say there must be license plate tracking because of illegal aliens.

Do you think that you are exempt from the police state?

Are Americans really this retarded?

Americans scream that there would be no downsides if the US defaulted on the debt, but wouldn't China and Japan be angry about not getting their money back?

Will businesses and Americans who bought US bonds be upset about being ripped off? Wouldn't companies who get fleeced need to lay off workers and shut down?

If you wait to revolt until you get sent to the concentration camps, it will be too late.

Americans are so batshit insane now that Americans scream George Washington was a homosexual Jew, but they never offer any evidence.

Americans scream tyranny makes you safe, but reporters, lawyers, protesters, spies, homosexuals, potheads, beggars, Christians, gun-owners, and business people are arrested in a police state and murderers and thieves run the prisons.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.