Americans scream North Korea is evil because North Korea has nuclear weapons and torture, but the US also has nuclear bombs and torture.
Americans hate North Korea because North Korea has closed borders, but the USA also wants closed borders.
Americans hate North Korea because you are forced to stand for the national anthem in North Korea, but Americans insist sitting during the US national anthem must be illegal.
Americans want to live in a police state, but Americans lose their minds when they get arrested for withdrawing less than $10,000 from their own bank accounts.
Libertarians think that they should give up defending freedom because Americans hate liberty, but Libertarians should keep resisting tyranny for selfish reasons.
While the elites control the money, government, and media, the 99% have the numbers.
One Libertarian may not be able to resist being sent to the concentration camps, but one million people might.
The US is rapidly collapsing.
How can you respect law when everything is illegal and the government and illegal immigrants don't obey the law?
Is there much difference between being under house arrest and being in prison?
If Americans were happy when the USA was a free and peaceful country with a decreasing debt, are Americans happier now that they live in a bankrupt warmongering police state?
Americans think that the virus and martial law will end in two months, but this lockdown is permanent.
All of the lines have been crossed.
The elites know that the 99% will resist nothing.
The world now has a global government.
The ruling powers have pushed everyone into the cities.
The borders have been closed.
There are checkpoints and curfews.
Guns have been banned.
You are being wiretapped and watched 24/7.
Everything is illegal.
Elections have been cancelled.
The ruling class have outlawed businesses and churches and made everyone dependent on welfare.
Soon everyone will be given mandatory vaccines and implanted with microchips.
ATM machines and the Internet will be shut off.
Cash will be banned.
The cities will be walled off and the 99% will be starved to death in their homes.
The elites will then divide the wealth and property among themselves and use robots to do the work.