One reason Rome was so successful was because Rome allowed everyone in the lands they conquered to have Roman citizenship. If Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Greenland, or Puerto Rico because US states then they could all be US citizens.
One good thing about 3rd world countries is bribery. Every country is a police state, but developed countries like Sweden have little corruption. In a 3rd world nation you could just pay a bribe to start a business.
Americans scream anyone who opposes war, debt, and tyranny should not be allowed to get welfare.
As tyranny rises, resistance will increase.
Random mass shootings in schools and movie theaters by nutjobs will soon become targeted hit and run attacks on government buildings and police checkpoints.
When the US Ponzi economy implodes, banks will close, the FDIC will not be able to cover bank losses, your ATM card will not work, there will be inflation and wage deflation, companies will close, layoffs will soar, homelessness will rise, the government will raise taxes, there will be bail-ins, cash might be banned, gold might be outlawed, and capital controls.
The electricity and water may not work.
Riots will break out.
The government will respond by banning protests, shutting off the Internet, closing churches banning guns, having warrantless home searches, forfeiture will rise, the police will torture, the border will be shut, concentration camps will be opened, jury trials will be ended, elections will be canceled, and property might be nationalized.
Secession will be considered.
Civil war will break out. A race war might happen. Militias will become armies. Rogue US soldiers may join the rebels and give advice, inside info, and equipment. Foreign countries may arm US patriots. Rebels might seize US army bases and gun factories.
The US government will try to start WWIII with North Korea, China, Russia, and Iran to distract Americans.
The future is certain. All that is unknown is the timeframe. Will the elites manage to kick the debt can down the road 2, 5, 10, or 30 years?
Americans must start buying guns, gold, and food today or leave the USA.
Do Americans who hate freedom feel like traitors?
Americans scream elections must be cancelled, churches must be closed, and everyone must be placed under house arrest because of viruses.
Americans think reporters should be arrested because of fake news.
Americans say protesters must be arrested because of Communism.
Americans insist guns must be banned because of blacks.
Americans say there must be forfeiture because of potheads.
Americans swear there must be NSA wiretapping, TSA groping, CIA torture, and extrajudicial assassinations because of Muslims.
Americans say there must be license plate tracking because of illegal aliens.
Do you think that you are exempt from the police state?
Are Americans really this retarded?
Who would want to be born in this world?
Freedom is lost forever. Tomorrow will be worse.
The border and churches are now closed permanently.
You are under house arrest.
There are curfews and checkpoints.
You are being wiretapped 24/7.
There is no rule of law.
The elites control everything.
The brainwashing and propaganda is constant everywhere in ads, schools, work, the media, movies, and TV.
Americans are being divided while having their indivdualism crushed.
Soon Americans will be wearing Mao suits and giving Nazi salutes.
Books will be burned.
Loudspeakers will be set up on street corners.
You can be arrested at anytime and your life can be taken anytime by the state.
Property will be nationalized.
There will be re-education camps, gulags, summary executions, death squads, torture, show trials, and killing fields.
History will be erased. The US flag and national anthem will be changed. Statues will be torn down. The USA will be renamed.
The Internet will be shut off.
Guns will be banned.
Cash will be banned.
There will be mandatory vaccines and microchip implants.
There will be starvation.
Millions will die.
Evasion, escape, and lying will be your new way of life.