Americans think that you will be safe in a police state, but tyranny doesn't make you safer.
In a police state, there is more theft because everyone is poor and you are not allowed to own a gun for protection and no one trusts the police.
Police states are only interested in arresting protesters, lawyers, priests, and reporters.
Police states wiretap, steal property, shut down businesses, torture, and kill.
Tyranny leads to terrorism because you can't vote or protest.
You can't know if crime is rising or not because everything is either a lie or a state secret.
In the near future, Americans will be required to get mandatory vaccines and microchip implants.
Americans should immediately move to gun sanctuary counties and embrace secession. Buy guns, gold, and food.
Will anyone really be surprised if farmers drive to cities with no police and shoot Communists and Communists drive to small towns and attack Nazis soon?
Americans used to be able to work hard and keep what they earned.
Now the government steals everything you have through taxes, fees, fines, inflation, and forfeiture and gives you welfare, but what will you do when the government runs out of money and cuts off the welfare?
Would anyone be surprised if soon Americans are implanted with microchips, ATM machines, the electricity, water, and the Internet will be shut off, cash is banned, statues are torn down, books are burned, companies are nationalized, the homes of the Founding Fathers are demolished, US history is erased, the US anthem is changed, the US flag is redesigned, the USA gets a new name, concentration camps open, and the date is changed to Year Zero?
Don't think that the Gestapo will only arrest Communists. Anyone who opposes debt, war, tyranny, and the NWO will get zapped.
If you want to destroy a moral, free and peaceful country with a declining debt just praise immorality, close churches, outlaw everything, punish hard work with taxes and regulations, start costly and pointless wars, import illegal immigrants and refugees, offshore jobs, and make everyone dependent on welfare.
How could any American hate freedom?
Americans are slaves now. Who wants to live in a prison?
The revolution must start today. Tomorrow will certainly be worse.
The US needs an collective awakening. We are like fibers of carpet all connected together.
The elites clearly want to kill you.
The globalists control the government, Wall Street, Hollywood, and the media, but the ruling class is vastly outnumbered by the 99%.
The only opinion that you're allowed to have now is that everything is fine.
Don't you find the fact that the politicians and celebrities all support wars, debt, and tyranny to be strange?
The government is not legit.
The US is not a democracy.
There is no rule of law.
Who has the right to say that you can't smoke, go to church, protest, own a gun, or have a garden?
Why should you give the government your DNA and fingerprints?
Why can the government grope, wiretap, steal, kill, and torture, but you can't?
If the government and illegal aliens don't obey the law, why should Americans?
The government tells you what to think, wear, and eat.
Practice civil disobedience.
Americans must stop paying taxes.
Don't get business licenses, driver licenses, hunting licenses, or fishing licenses.
There are not enough jails.
The 1% can't kill us all.
The US will reach the point where mobs will beat the Gestapo to death anytime they try to kidnap an American.
Move to a small town in North Dakota. Buy guns, gold, and food today.
You have a moral duty to God, humanity, family, country, and yourself to fight for freedom.
Pass the word.
Libertarians think fighting for freedom is hopeless because Americans hate liberty, but only 3% of Americans fought the British during the American Revolution. Americans started supporting the patriots when the fighting became serious, though.
If you hate freedom, what will you do when the Gestapo shoots your father in the head?
North Korea and Cuba show that people can be patient for a long time and endure tyranny, but the fighting will be bloody when the war starts.
Just look what happened during the Spanish Civil War.
The problems of today could be solved by doing what the government did in the past- NOTHING.
Americans scream FEMA camps are the only solution for natural disasters, but San Francisco recovered from the 1906 earthquake without government help.
Americans insist concentration camps are the only answer to viruses, but the government did nothing about a cholera outbreak in 1832.
Americans say the only possible solutions to deal with illegal immigrants are to build a wall, have warrantless searches, DNA databases, license plate scanners, and build concentration camps, but the US used to have open borders.
Americans say the only solution to recessions is to give billion dollar bailouts to bankers who commit fraud and give welfare to the lazy, but the US recovered from the Panic of 1893 without government action.
The government starts a problem and offers a solution. Why not avoid starting a problem in the first place?
If the government starts a trade war that kills the economy and then offers bailouts, why not just avoid starting a trade war in the first place?
If the government increases the minimum wage and regulations that kill businesses and raise prices and then offers welfare, why not just reduce the minimum wage and regulations?
The government is not a holy god. The government is force.
Why not allow the free market to handle problems?
The private market and charities cannot provide disaster relief?
The free market cannot provide medical care, delivery companies, railroads, airports, schools, fire departments, private mediation, and security companies?
Do your shoes come from government shoe factories?
Can't churches teach morals?
Do you really trust the government to tell you what the truth is?
Does the government spend your money better than you do?
People don't have any personal responsibility?
Can't you move away from people you don't like?
Can't you save money to prepare for downturns?
Can't Americans boycott products with cheap prices instead of begging for a trade war that kills the economy?
Can't Americans quit low paying jobs, learn a skill, move to another city, or start a business instead of thinking a minimum wage will magically make them rich with no unintended consequences?
Is tyranny something that only affects others, but not you?
Are Americans retarded children?
Didn't tyranny kill millions of people in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, China, and Cambodia?