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That precious moment his heavy balls tighten, pulled close to the base of his cock, his shaft pulsing with every thick spurt of cum forcing its way into her body. The globs of hot load leaking, squeezing their way out of her cunny because she's just too full and his balls won't stop pumping. Heavy, desperate breaths in the air from the both of them in this brief minute of pure passion and ecstasy.

Guys in cum soaked boxers/panties, a week worth of loads, the sheer musk 🤤

Let me stroke you off while you tell me about the nasty stuff you like

@MommyKnowsBest I remember when all i knew how to find was pictures of boobs online using my PsP, hiding under my covers. Still got me to cum.

@MommyKnowsBest you've got me lusting for Mommy cock :blobxd:

@MommyKnowsBest When I first started masturbating I didnt even understand the sexual nature of it. I just knew it felt good. I even did it in front of my friend at a sleep over once, under the covers, I told them I was just really itchy. I was a dumb kid.

Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.