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No, the isn't incredibly deadly. You're just fearful of your death and the death of others. A somewhat reasonable response from an earthly point of view.

re: SIDS is Fake 

Oh, I see that the majority of you are now blinded by simpery.

Did you know that 1 in 10 mothers admit to having microdosed their children with cleaning fluids and other toxic chemicals intentionally at some point?

Bitches are fucking insane.
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As Belarusians are beaten and murdered in order to lay Lukashenko's bloody red carpet back into power, America cannot be a silent observer.

@TomRTweets says @SecPompeo's silence is an inexcusable abdication of American moral leadership. #News #America #Belarus #Murder

Full-List of bots:

Have an idea for a new neckbeard banner, but my brain is kinda peacing-out right now.

I’ll do it tomorrow…

Hmm...did some testing, I can't really make true trends because it only lets you see up to 40 toots at a time in the the "trends" will be ever-changing

Not eve adhering to hyper-virality, but merely what people are saying literally right now. And not that many people either, only from the last 40 toots.

4,135,564 accounts
+39 in the last hour
+1,141 in the last day
+8,867 in the last week

dat Chiraq pver dere; Police Chief, "We Have To Have Consequences!" and Beetlejuice, "Do Not Bait Us!"

StevenCrowder just released a brand new video! WE’RE BACK! Louder with Crowder Returns! | Good Morning #MugClub

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