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There was a local guy who was very vocal fighting the insane levels of LGBT school indoctrination we have here.

6 weeks ago he "committed suicide" leaving behind a large family.

He was not depressed and not that kind of guy.


2023. You wish that Bandai would make a "Sailormoon Tamagotchi."

🌿🌱🌱🌿🌱🌱🌻 🌷🌱
🌳🌱🌱🌱🌻 🌱🌱🌱🌱

@Spergo1875 @Shadowman311 i used to get mad at this shit, but i realized it don't matter, women don't know what they really think at any point.
@Shadowman311 The real problem with women is that men take them seriously.
Just stop it.
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