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tell your admin to fix ur issue if pawoo was pozzed
Lowkey still mad that one of best friends let his wife throw "native american" bullshit into their wedding vows because she is like 1/346th injun or some shit. I still love him like a brother but that was some weak shit.

More mad at the "pastor" for allowing it in a house of God.

@wolfsaif90 "Katya Klein" from "Snowbreak: Containment Zone" according to SauceNAO

Cloudflare 502 errors for, anyone else having this problem?

TIL about Eternal September: How a 1993 AOL promotion led to year-round influxes of new users, a phenomenon that previously only occurred each September with new computer science students.
#til #todayilearned

4 matches on tinder but none of the girls responded to me lol this is pointless
Theyre probably fake
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.