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When the Varis admin Halo told me I could only post anime girls in bulk in the same message, I switched to my Gameliberty alt because I wanted to avoid the neo-Nazis and drama on Poast. But unfortunately there's no emoji reactions on Mastodon, and that sucks.

I'm already missing Baest and it isn't even gone (in its present form) yet. 😢

@cowanon Incels built the tech industry. Woketards destroyed it.

f(x,y) = ((~((-x) | (y * y))) % ((-(~x)) % ((x - y) - (x | 6)))) % 11

Extent: 256x256 (scaled x2)

"Onebit" colouring scheme.

if you can only afford $60k worth of salary for a software engineer AND a lab tech your business is just not viable. trying to hire one person to do both is retarded

I actually see job listings like this quite a bit where they want two unrelated skills *that I have* and the pay is always shit. what are they doing, taking the average of what the two jobs pay? maybe try adding them together instead

@bleedingphoenix Aww Mastodon only lets me see the first four pictures unless I click for more! (Husky does this too.) #18142

* DiscoFever ignores all you dicks
<Joelz> Good.
<Joelz> You shouldn't be looking at our penises anyway.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.