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TIL about Eternal September: How a 1993 AOL promotion led to year-round influxes of new users, a phenomenon that previously only occurred each September with new computer science students.
#til #todayilearned

4 matches on tinder but none of the girls responded to me lol this is pointless
Theyre probably fake

Tags: rhetoric, twitter, jews, jewish_power, race, whites, anti_white
Source: The booru is down for now
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Dude, i picked up drawing because i essentially saw how everything was getting infected with filth. I saw everything around me full of ugliness and i decided i wanted to do something beautiful for a change. Sure, it's not social and i struggle a lot with the quality of my work but it definetly helped me have a more positive outlook on life.

You should give something creative a go. Drawing or writing is a good start
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