Show newer nah don’t be sorry!! I haven’t hushed up about in the past few weeks either haha ^_^ my partner and I are planning to play with it. I’m trans as well and they are amab. I am planning to make little squishy balls as well as a sheath that can hold a dog knot toy. Tysm for sharing! I’m excited to order my toy and start to work ~ CUTE omg I adore them. I would love to see when they arrive/after being modded!
I’m not sure what toy I want yet, preferably something I can mod to have both a mouth hole and tail hole :p I am loving this Akita OMG joining!!! I am so excited to get and mod my puppy! 🥰🖤

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Are there better alternatives for Only Fans that is more kink-friendly??

Changing my baby’s diaper and sneaking in a little bit of rimming 👅 I don’t even need to wipe him clean, my tongue will do the work.

Mommy helped me rape my puppy last night.
She bound his little paws together and prepped his little asshole for me.
It was so tight and hot and she was so hard watching me use the doggy’s little hole.
I think next time she will join in on the action ~

Fucking a bitch's tailhole as you're knuckles deep inside her puffy doggy pussy~

Speaking of shota/loli sex games though - there is one that is called Sphere of Desire that is super sadistic. You play as a demon and can raise a cub or human themed baby character and sexually abuse and torture them to ‘feed’ a dark sphere with energy. Very fun and recommend if you like those kinds of things.

Why isn’t there a sim game of sorts where you breed/raise animals but you get to fuck them too. Please.

I’m constantly wanting to see plushie porn where they dirty talk to it and bondage it up but alas 😿 Imma bout to start making my own

Rate the kink: inflation/bulging 🎈 🍆

Lol got my first hate comments here. Do you really think I care to engage with your negativity? You’re talking to a wall because I will simply block and report you 👋🏼

One of my biggest fantasies is grooming my little boy into molesting babies and animals with me 🖤 he can know the joys of rape at such a young age.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.