Wrote a short sadist fantasy just to spite the anti-sadists.

You know what’s hot?
The fantasy of a puppy being bondaged up and raped and abused.
You know what’s not hot?
Actual legitimate animal abuse.
Learn the difference.

I am rewatching MHA and remembering how much I adore this little angel. I want to sit on his cute face and give him a bloody nose (consensually) 🥰

A demonic cryptid that stalks, torments, corrupts and then kidnaps children?

Slenderman kink go brrr.

Man just got fucked so good on the couch while we watched cartoons. My partner put fingers in my ass for leverage to pull/hold me down against her while she fucked my cunt and good lord I was sobbing cause it felt so fucking great.
Then she was hushing me, saying I had to be a quiet little baby boy so the neighbors don’t hear 😇

The feral urge to just have your way with someone/something cute small and easily manipulated 😇

My partner sat on my face last night and smothered me while I jerked off and came until I saw stars ✨🤪

My partner is so cute. She said she felt badly about wanting to get me a cake as a celebration for me, but she offered me a blowjob instead haha 😛

I really didn’t think I would end up enjoying mursuit content as much as I now do 😅

Had a *very* vivid dream about making love to a Shepard mix 😵‍💫 I can still feel his warm balls in my mouth and taste his tailhole and feel his sheath in my hand 🖤

Friendly reminder that fantasy hurts NO ONE! ~ allow yourself to use fantasy as an open expression for yourself and your feelings! 💋🖤

Me: “Mommy I need to pee, pause the movie.”
Her: “Oh do you??” *presses hands onto my lower belly*
Me: *moans and whimpers and squirms* 😵‍💫

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