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Twitter is dead, long live Mastodon, along with various moderated instances which Twitter and FaceBook now want to play in on with their own universes approach.

Not much to do around Silent Hill but take some snap shots on family vacation. Just hope they don't make us stay to long.... Church ladies are kind of pushy.
Three new episodes on less complicated and serious issues will be coming soon. Going to be working on more and more content focused on survival horror.

Re-tooled the recording studio PC to the faster Xfce Linux Mint. Also, working on finding ways to integrate my legacy recording equipment. Windows 10 updates had literally and universally become so problematic and unmanaged. Every update was a complicated matter of whether or not it would make a formally compatible device a dead capture card.

Working on getting my new capture card up and running. To server as the RGB/VGA capture card. Working on it means I need more coffee lol.

New capture card is going to be a lot of fun tweaking and working on not. Part of my fun is making older parts work together and bringing new life to them. It's all part of that magic of being a geek. 🤓

Looking at gaming today, I'm surprised how fast it has evolved, from the 8-bit era, past the 16-bit generation, and walking into my studio I'm amazed how large of a gulf remains in several generations over the years. Multiple systems, tons of memory, and lots of Mountain Dew Code Red, and Pepsi. It's a basic love letters for gaming and it's devotees which is why I still collect to this day. It's wonderful to step back through a portal of time and a chronological museum of memories. A deeper regret will always be never having shot an episode with my older brother (1975-2014) and the memories of gaming with him are a life time.

We didn't really see anything wrong with such practices. Greed was good and all corporations could enjoy a certain level of judicial protections. After growing up the impacts of those decisions could not have been more dangerous. The ramifications limited technological growth and innovation while PC's were the ever advancing quantitative power houses. Which outpaced home consoles and would until the rise of the original PlayStation.

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The for better or worse defined everyone's childhood in the eighties and nineties. Setting into motion a level of monopolistic corporate greed which locked out games from independent chains hooking them into partnerships with Nintendo friendly partners. It basically was a way not just in avoiding another crash but keeping smaller chains under the thumb of larger companies.

Bought Vegas to use in my studio as my editor of choice. Got with it so many other bundled packages from humble and found out Avidemux and audacity are still my primary editing choices.

Beefing up the studio is fun, being a stay at home Dad is better, and someday PJ my son inherits it all.

New videos coming soon just took a short break which turned into a long hiatus.

4,511,366 accounts
+74 in the last hour
+1,332 in the last day
+7,900 in the last week

Still working on the studio and putting it all together.

No low grade chemo injection to the eye today. Going in for more evaluation later to another Doctors.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.